~ Ch. 58 ~

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                 Ezra's POV

    The five of us sat around the table and talked about what we faced. The only two that had run-ins with Sith were Luke and Acarna. It makes sense why Acarna would have an encounter with a Sith but.........not so much for Luke. It honestly doesn't make sense, for him anyway. Speaking of Luke and Acarna, they just went over to the wall to talk. Huh....I wonder what that's about.

    "Ezra? Are you alright?" Kanan asked me. "Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine, just thinking is all." I told him. "Hey Ezra...........I'm sorry." I looked at Neveah. I was confused about why she told me sorry than I remembered that she didn't give Acarna a chance and she's really mean towards her. But, I guess it's understandable since Luke told me about what our Mother did to hers. "It's alright. Luke told me. I forgive you. Just, I want you to promise me that you will try to give Acarna a chance. Can you do that for me?" I asked her, extending my hand over the table to hold hers. She got all teary eyed. "I.....I can try. I promise." Neveah said as we smiled at her and she wiped her eyes. This is wonderful! I'm so glad that we got past this. I really hated the tension that was between us. The three of us were all smiles as we continued to talk about what we faced.

            Acarna's POV

    I pulled Luke to the side because, I couldn't stop wondering why his pathway said 'Deserter'. I didn't want to say anything in front of the others because it would've put him on the spot. The only thing that I can think of is that he deserted the Sith...........wait a minute! I remember Master Caedus having a Padawan who ran away. They searched for him for months! Well...........looks like I found him. Once we were a good distance away from the others, I turned around and faced Luke.

    "Let me tell you about something that I heard when I was four. There was a Master and Padawan. The Master was very strict and pushed his Padawan, all the time. But, this Padawan was different. Oh no, he did something completely different. He ran away. It was totally unheard of. Seriously, what Padawan runs from their Master?" I said to Luke. "Uh.....I um...." Luke kept stumbling over the right words so I interrupted him. "Deserter." "W-what?" he asked, confused.

    "Deserter, the word that was your path was Deserter. I said 'Searcher' because I didn't think that you'd want Kanan and Ezra to ask you about it till you were ready. I figure Neveah already knew because you can't hide stuff from your other Half. " I said. The shock on his face was evident but, he quickly recovered. "But, your hiding everything from your other Half. And, yes, Neveah does know I told her a few years ago." Luke said. "Don't try to change the subject here. My life is not your concern." I told him, sternly. "I don't blame you though, for deserting the Sith. You had Master Caedus, he was strict as hell and always angry at everything it seemed." I said. "Yeah, I remember." Luke said. "All right, let's get back to the others to see what we need to do now. I have a feeling were not done yet." I said and started to walk over to the others............until Luke grabbed my wrist and I looked at him, confused.

    "Acarna.....I'm gonna help you." Luke said, seriousness clear on his face. I'm confused now. "What do you mean "help"? No offense, but, I don't need anyone's help." I said. Luke shook his head at me. "I'm gonna help you Acarna. You may not want it but, you need it." Luke said. I frowned at his response. "Won't your little 'girlfriend' get mad at you for helping her 'sworn enemy'?" I asked him, curious. "She's not my-" "I already know your both each other's Half's, so cut the crap." I cut him off, glaring. Luke nodded. "I'm still helping you. Neveah will understand...........she doesn't mean what she says ya know? It's just her anger. I know it's not a good excuse......but, I know she doesn't mean it." Luke explained. I frowned and sighed. "Whatever, come on let's go back already." I said, breaking my wrist free from his grip and walking back to the others, Luke following. Before I got their, I noticed that a new pathway appeared and the others were looking at it.

    "Hey Acarna, can you translate please?" Ezra asked me. I looked at the text. Right above the text was a depiction of two people, holding hands, not the way lovers hold hands. It was as if they were pressed against each other. I looked at the text again and read it.

    "Only the Daughter and Son, born of both darkness and light, may pass. Others head to the entrance and get your cross-guard saber. Your journey has ended. The Siblings will be put to the test once again. This time together, not apart. Blood shall enter." I translated. "What? No, we're not splitting up!" Neveah said. "I agree with her. We don't know what you two would be getting into." Kanan said, giving Ezra a concerned look and Ezra held his hand. "We'll be fine. Don't worry. Besides, I'm sure Hera and the others are worried sick! Who knows how long we've been gone. You three need to go back and explain everything. We'll be out before you know it!" Ezra said, trying to reassure the him. "But, how are we going to cut you two? Our lightsabers only leave scars. They don't make people bleed." Neveah said. "Unless you kill someone with them." I stated, as I pulled out my knife from inside my bra.

    "How long have you had that in your bra?" Neveah asked. "It was a present from Aunt Diwos. I always keep it on me. Unless I go to bed or shower, I just keep it in my nightstand at those times. Now, come on Ezra." I said, and Ezra gave me his hand. "You guys should leave now. The pathway where Luke and I were standing will take you back to the others. There was a translation explaining that those whose trials ended, return down here. So go on." I said, as I cut a slit across my palm, doing the same to Ezra, who flinched. Once that was done. I noticed a small carved out bowl against the wall of the pathway and we walked over and clasped our hands together overtop of it and squeezed, to get more blood out. Our blood mixed and the bowl sunk into the wall and a rush of air was felt, signaling that we could enter. We turned back to the others and Ezra kissed Kanan and they left. Us following down our path shortly after.


[ So this one took a few days cuz I got stuck so much and I was trying to make it longish. Also this one is a sorta filler (in my mind it is anyway) That dagger is Acarna's dagger btw =P

    So, how will the others react when Kanan, Neveah, and Luke return and explain everything that happened to them?? How will the others react when they tell them that Ezra and Acarna aren't done yet?? Will they be found by the member of the Ren's that Kylo is sending to get Acarna and Ezra!?!?

    Specter 7 out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ]

Are We Meant To Be? *2nd book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now