Q&A Answers

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I see here are the long awaited answers to the long awaited questions from this Q&A.

So onwards with the first question shall we

1.Why did it take so long for an update? LupitaAguilera4

well if you mean on Chosen for Love that's because this book completed but most of my following still read this book or have it in their libraries so they can see the update more easily. As for the rest of my fics that's because I left for a very long time due to school mainly and personal problems that took a lot away from my inspiration to update any of my fics.

2.Will you accept my cookies senpai? *blushed while holding out a basket*paulazz

Babe... of fucking course ill accept dem cookies I love cookies so much you don't even know bro!

3.How have ya been? awesomecat66

Well I could go on and on about how terrible life is but I'm not going to do that. so ill just say for now that I'm cool beans awesomecat66

4.Whats your inspiration for this story? Kirakirigaya33

Well this story is actually based off of a doujinshi as some of you might know I liked it so much I kinda wanted to put it into words and keep it going even though it ended very short that's why I made a sequel 'The Heart Want What The Heart Wants'.

5.If you had to either give up anime or manga which one would you give up? Ashurii_Senpai

That's a really hard choose but if I really had to would give up anime just cause I like the original and authentic-ness of a manga

6.Would you pick Eren or Levi as your boyfriend this year? subject_a7

I would pick Levi. Not just because he's really hot but tally cool and he would still be taller than me which would help his self esteem. don't get me wrong Eren is really awesome too like he would probably be the fun boyfriend where you'd never get bored hanging around him.

7.Who do you ship? @Sword_Slayer

these are mostly gay ship and you don't have to like them. ErenxLevi, HinataxKageyama, ShizuoxIzaya, KiritoxAsuna, SockxJohnathan, JeanxMarco, MikadoxAnri, Phan(but not in a sexual way in more of a friendship way :3), andnnnnnnnnnnd many more that I probably cant think of at this moment so have thas!!!!!!

8.Have you ever kissed someone? @Sword_Slayer

Yeah....I may or may not regret my "explorative" self back in 7th grade.

9.How old are you? kiaraluvu123

Currently 15 at the moment.

10.Will you be my friend? kiaraluvu123

Of course babe, I could use a few more of those ;v;

11.What's all ur fave anime's Angel_Alan_Woods

I can name a few at this very moment which is Haikyuu, Scarlett, Durarara!!x2, One Punch Man. I haven't been watching very much anime lately but iev been reading manga I guess.

12.How do you come up with you writing materials? husky_puppies

Well I get some ideas from whatever I'ev been reading watching or just anything that I'ev found interesting. And then I just make up random events that would be an interesting as a story and go on from there.But honestly I make up a lot of stuff on the go as I'am writing it which isn't good cause that's a real easy way for things to get messed up and stories can get burned out due to lack of detail or too much detail like demonize.

13.Whose your fave otp? rumbellyu

I have a lot. but my fave right now(besides ErenxLevi) is HinataxKageyama

14.Do you have any Notps in any anime? Iso what are thoese? @DansLlama_PhilsLion

I don't really have any cause I don't discriminate against others otps.

15. @gothemo1

Umm that's a lot but yeah iev watched 2 seasons of HxH until my eyes legit burned! x-x also I did know that greller was on a poster in durarara cause I saw it, they seem to drop little subtly hints of good mainstream anime here and there.

Anyway that's all the questions I'am willing to answer for now maybe another day I might update this. But I'am really don't know about it. Anyway hoped you liked this Q&A sorry if I wasn't sassy enough or did give ya the right response you wanted.

Bye you all ~¤♡☆

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