Chapter 3

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(Eren POV)

Once I was up and out of the water the burning sensation in my throat started. And I hated the feel of the cool air too.

I heard a lot of the people back away and gasp but I was too afraid and shaking to look up. I also think I heard a sword being pulled out

"Tch. Well look what we got here."

I tried inching every so slowly back so they wouldn't have noticed. But he must of been the order and keeper of the ship. Although not like an other I have seen, it was very..clean. Kinda unusual maybe.

"Hey keep him in place." I almost began to cry. 1.I didn't want there human filthy hands to touch me not know what they were going to do with me. 2.I don't want that guy coming near me.

He took my chin in his hand and lifted my face up by this time I was violently shaking and letting tears slip past my eyes. He was just chilling down to the bone.

He had neat well groomed hair and a under cut, his eyes were gray as steel and showed no emotion what so ever. They could probably see into my soul too. He might be short as considered to average human height. He overall looked scary enough.

"Oi I don't want you moving a muscle you hear or .." He placed the sword just above the waist line of where my tail begins " your never gonna have that again."

I shook my head as to say I understood. I didn't want them to know I was able to communicate with them, cause then they might torture me into telling them secrets about us or info they don't know just so they can track us down and use us for what they like.

"Bring him to my cabin below the ship there's something to put him into down there."

Well at least I know they aren't gonna dry me to death in the sun now.

At least three people had to carry me down to he cabin barracks. They set me down in a pool kinda of thing with water in it. It was just deep enough for me to dunk my head under.

"Hey." A girl with strawberry blonde hair come near me and crouches down. Like I said I didn't really like the human touching me so scooted away some.

"Hey, it's ok I'am not really as mean as Levi is." I looked at her confused about who this Levi was. "He's the man who had the sword."

I hid a little bit more at the mere mention of this Levi.

"But back to the original topic since you seem to understand english. Umm what exactly do you eat fish, crab, seaweed perhaps."

I would rather starve than be here on the boat so I I didn't give her a reply of any kind. "Hmm maybe levi can get you to talk."

My eyes widened. I didn't want to know what his methods as for getting people to talk were but it was too late now. The strawberry blonde had already gone to get him.

I began to softly cry again. I just wanted to be migrating with Mikasa and Armin and everybody else but I might never get to do that again or see my parents either to tell them all I love them and goodbye.

I heard some footsteps coming towards me. I was just begging god for it not to be levi. So not my lucky day...

"Oi fish stop crying." I curled up into a ball and started sobbing and shaking now. I heard him sigh and come over to me. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled my face close to his.

"I. Said. Stop." By now I was completely stricken with fear and trembling but not crying anymore.

"Now I'am gonna name some options and your gonna tell me which ones you can eat. O.K" I shook my head. He didn't loosen his grip at all on my hair.

"Fish." I shook my head no.

"Octopus." I shook my head no.

"Crab." Again no.

"Eel." Shook no.

"Seaweed." I shook my head yes this time. By this time he had let go of my hair and let me drop down.

"Finally were getting somewhere with you." I sniffed from crying a lot.

"Here." Her threw something to me that resembled something to paper but lighter and easier to fold and tear apart. I caught it before it was ruined by water.

"It's called tissue, you blow your nose into it to get rid of snot." I looked at it real quick then took a quick blow into it and all the snot came out my nose disgusting really.

He scooted some type of basket thing towards me I guess to put it in.

"I'll be back till then don't you dare move or I,ll make sure you won't be able to.." He said so clear and so monotone with no expression what so ever like he was a demon from hell or worse...

(Levi POV)

I was just about done with the brat after getting him something to eat after what seemed an hour of interrogating him on what he could eat.

We still don't know if they can speak english or not hopefully for Hanji yes or that kid was in for a world of torture from Hanji's questions.

"Captain levi" I stopped to notice Petra my mate on this journey "Petra drop the captain shit. And what is it?"

"Umm well sir just two things really ..... 1. Do you think the mermaid can speak english and.. 2. Did you hurt...., you know ...the mermaid?"

I sighed reluctantly to answer her questions.

"I have a high theory count that it probably can cause really what other language would it speak really since it more than likely been around humans before. And as for the other one I could but Hanji would freak out if I were to so rip a scale off of it so no."

"Oh" she seemed relieved "Well thank you for answering ....Levi."

"Tsk" I returned to the task at hand to get the mermaid something to eat so he wouldn't starve to death before we got back to Hanji.


Yah two updates in the same day wow!!

Any who you guys liking the story so far please let me know so I can update more.

also tell us if you want any smut in the near future heheh

Eren:what smut.

Levi:I will kill you for sure if you even dare to do that.

Eren: she can't do that right she can't RIGHT!!

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