Chapter 17

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It was more a lusty make out in the shower than anything. But Eren seemed to enjoy it. But as well he wanted just a bit more, "l-levi." I loved everything about how he said my name in moans. How I basically taking away his innocence along with every time we do this.

My back was against the shower wall. And Eren was my front of me with his head lolling backwards onto my shoulder. "Please I w-want more." I kissed down his neck, making my marks wherever I could I didn't the night before. Meanwhile I playing around with Eren a bit. Trailing my hand down his body.

Finally making it to his already hard boner. "Well aren't you an easy to please." He moaned out a "sorry." I smirked in reply. "Please keep g-going I'am going to come!" I smirked right next to his ear "Then come Eren....come for me." The sound of lust in my voice surprised me.

I wanted to please Eren in every way I could. As long as Eren loved me everything was going to be fine, lovely in fact until the day he had to bring up a matter about leaving.

~A month Later~

"Eren do want to know how to read and write." Eren looked up from chess game we we're playing. He taught himself by the way.

"I guess it would come in handy at some right Levi?" I nodded my head and made my move on the chess board. "Check." Eren waited a moment thinking hard on how to get me to never say check mate. "Levi! I don't get this game and it's frustrating me." Eren slumped back in the chair admitted in defeat. "Patience Eren, that's all it takes to win this so called stupid game."

"Levi....I've been thinking and it's almost been about three months now." I nodded not really knowing what he was trying to say. I was making my move to win this game. "Yes and Eren? Also it's your move." Suddenly his hands slammed down on the table making pieces fall off the board or onto the floor. "LEVI I'AM GOING TO HAVE GO BACK SOON!"

His body convulsed as he tried to choke back many tears for sobbing. "Eren .....I" I really didn't want to acknowledge that Eren was going to have to back to his family sooner or later. But what if they wanted him to stay? That was the main problem.

"It's okay though cause it's not like you gonna have to stay at sea once you get back I mean, it'll probably actually feel nice to get your fins back you know." But with Eren I know he had a lot of those 'WHAT IF...?' Thoughts when dealing with something as big as this.
"Eren we'll deal with that bridge when we come to it, till now help me pick up the chess board. I'am disappointed right now that you would think your going to stay in the ocean. Because someone on land loves you, and that doesn't mean you can't come back and visit."

I finished picking up the chess pieces by myself in this process of me lecturing Eren, then Eren running out the back door to the little pool me and Hanji made for him one night. I sighed "Eren.... don't do this please." I went out into my back yard. I swirled my hand in the water a bit making little whirlpools. While Eren on the other hand was hidden in the darker water.

"I don't know what to do...." I looked around and spotted a brown mop of hair along with some eyes sticking out of the water. "I told you already Eren we'll cross that bridge when we get there, yet you think we need to have a battle plan already made out. This is your family were talking about and then there's me. You spend time with them and then if you miss me you can always come back."

I just saw a flash as Eren came out of the water hugging into my chest. "But what if they don't let me?! What if they say I can never ever see you again or go on land?! Levi I don't want that if anything that will kill me on the spot!" He hugged me tighter as I embraced him all the same.

I would miss Eren and his smell of the ocean all the same once he's gone I can only hope that he comes back, that he doesn't forget me. "When you do go back Eren, don't forget me. And if they do try and keep you from coming back I know your going to fight them back cause that kinda thing you would do. Protect the weak and fight for your rights." I could almost fell him smile the huge lop sided grin of his.

"Levi you should probably go change your shirt, It's wet and you'll catch a cold." No shit Sherlock. I still love you for It though.

Through and through. This is all have and wanted to say.

There gonna be a lot of time skips on the next chapters. Also TEST AND EXAMS AS WELL AS MY MATH TEACHER ARE A BITCH!!!
Thanks for reading come again. C:

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