Chapter 20

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I was making my way up I could almost see the surface. Mikasa and Armin right behind me as well among the rest who chosen their freedom over dictatorship. I never really realized that as much as I loved my family, they would have suffered more greatly even if I hadn't come home.

"Eren were almost to the surface at most." Armin said. Hyped with the most of excitment. We really did never see the surface much did we. Always told it was too dangerous to poke our little heads out of the water.

I started swimming faster ahead of the group. I made Levi wait too long. He much be worried, don't worry Levi I'am coming for you. "Come everyone were almost there." I wanted to hurry to rush. I made his wait too long. That's all I repeated in my head.

New life for everyone new possibilities for us that were completely endless. And I would have at least most of my family there for my support. Yes this is it, the reason I always let my curiosity take over me. Cause it always led me down a better path.

I could feel the cold air as I burst throught the barrier between the water and air. I could feel the sun and on my face which means the thunder clouds before had moved but some of the gloom in the sky had yet to go away.

"EREN!" I could see Hanji on the dock on her knees waving to me frantically, she must have been trying to look for me. But where was Levi suddenly popped into my head.

For now that I have looked around I couldn't  see him on the dock....

I started doing 360 circle where I was keeping afloat but I couldn't see him. Every angle I turned to there was no Levi. "Eren come on let's go!" Mikasa started tugging on my arm.

"No." I said abruptly. Everyone was at staring at me with their attention now. "Eren what's wrong, did you lose something." Mikasa whispered. Everyone was looking concerned. I must look really frantic.

"Levi...where is he?!" I remember everything.

Since I was caught, Levi's and my and first kiss. When I got my legs, how bad it hurt to get them taken away from me. It's like my life flashed before my eyes.

"Eren look there over there." Sasha was pointing to a ebony mop of hair that was floating just a few feet away from us.


"LEVI!" I saw his head turn our way his eyes looking frightened and panicked. Out of of the waves I could see that he was having trouble trying to find our location and swim to us.

So I was already swimming to him. Went under the water and grabbed at his waist when I got near enough to grab him, and then carried him up and out of the water holding him kinda akwardly by the waist. "Holy shitting ducks." I would have laughed at his reaction if only I wasn't clearly crying first. "I'am sorry for leaving you w-waiting. But you were suppose to stay on the dock and then I couldn't see you and Y-YOU SCARED ME SHITLESS LEVI."

I was hugging Levi, I could almost hear his heart beat through his chest and wet clothes. He was probably terrified too. So I'am at blame too. "Come let's get to shore. I'am pretty sure you have explaining to do with your friends anyway." I looked back to them. Most of them were dumbfounded like how in the world can you care for this piece of shit you beat you!

But Levi was right I had explaining to do and would have to spend a lot of my time explaining the whole ordeal and convincing everyone Levi was the best guy there ever was to love. "Hanji you better be making a lot more of your serums for everyone. We're gonna need them." I said while helping Levi climb onto the dock.

"Righty, O Eren anything for you. But I have a request for ya." I tilted my head in a once more confused manor, possibly wondering what Hanji would want a favor for beside experiments. She leaned down to my ear and for my listening ear only.

"If I made a serum for you to have an offspring with Levi. Would you take it?!"

My face was burning at that point and I had to answer wi th out seeming suspicious.

"M-Maybe." I got all squirmy not daring to look Hanji in the eye right after I had said it.

Well new life means new chances right better yet to go on and take a new path that might even lead to better posibilites. Like starting a family, and starting a new life with the people I mostly care about. And my chosen one for love.


; v; I tried so hard. You don't even know, I feel like this fic could have been more if I tried with a little more effort. But I look back and seen how far it has come and then I think, "You did good. That'll do."

But now was for the decision maker. On like how to end it. Bad or good. Well I decided that maybe this isn't exactly the ending I wanted; there could be more to this story and more adventure, drama, action and crap that I could put in here.

But I couldn't start it over again could I? Nope I can't but there is some th ING else I can do....YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!



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