Chapter 18

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(Eren POV)
Levi kept his word to teach me on how to read and write. I got through most of the alphabet and was beginning on some simple words. As for reading I was able to handle much faster. But I could only probably read a single chapter of a book in about 5 hours. Yeah I know not that special but I'am getting there.

"You want to take break Eren." I was trying to get through a second chapter of a book called "The Ghost of Graylock." It was kinda confusing and stressing out my brain a bit but I decided a break would be nice. "So..." I put the book down beside me.

I was trying to bring up the sore subject of the me returning finally. I really wanted to cross that bridge as levi had said but not when we come to it I wanted to figure this out right now. "Eren we discussed this and I'am not about to sit here and listen to your complaints I already told more than once when we get there we'll deal with it." But it's like Levi can read my mind sometimes though.

Levi set down a small serving plate with a small like cake on it, and some tea. "Thank you..." Levi sighed and sat down next to me. "Hanji wants you back over for a night if that's okay with you." I nodded. "Can you come too I want to be with you more now really." He gave me a small genuine smile of his. I have only seen it once or twice until then it was usually his monotone face. "You should really smile more. It's cute."

Levi sat down in his chair next to the couch. "Cute?" I nodded. "Tots cute." I said while looking out the window to see late evening.

"Where did you learn that from. Tots." I giggled it was funny when Levi said it cause he's usually all proper with grammer and stuff when he's teaching me. "I think Hanji or Petra told me about the 'slang words' per say." Levi sighed while he threw his head back. "Please don't make this habit Eren. I don't think I could live with you saying stuff like Hanji does all the time."

I got up and walked over to Levi and his chair, as well sat down in his lap. "Oi your kinda heavier now then I last lifted you." I made a fake applaud gasp. "Are you calling me fat?!" He shook his head no with a small smirk on it. "No your quite skinny Eren." I made yet another fake applauded gasp. "Are you calling me underweight?!"

This time I got Levi to laugh. "Dammit no Eren!" He said while laughing, once he calmed down from his laughing fit a bit I made my self comfortable on his lap. "I love you Levi." I leaned my forehead against his. Him and me staring each other down with our eyes. "I love you too Eren don't ever leave my side.", "Never." I replied

I pressed a chaste kiss to lips. But levi was wanting more then a little peck now. It wasn't a lust filled kiss or fast it was us going our own pace showing our embrace to one another. Levi lifted me father into his lap some more, so he could wrap his arms around me completely. "I love you Levi. So much I can't even explain it to you more." Levi had moved from our sweet innocent kisses to sharing some of them to my neck and along my collar bone. Not love bites just kisses.

"Eren I want to have your babies, dammit." I giggled at this while Levi was still planting kisses on skin where ever he could find it. "You know that impossible right." I giggled some more along with claiming Levi lips once more after getting bored with him loving my skin. "I know but damn I wish I could any way possible." He said as he broke away for air.

Then the telephone line started to ring. "Aww man I was getting comfortable." Levi grunted as I got off of his lap and he got up as well to eat the phone. "Hello, Hanji what do you want?" I listened from the couch. Levi glanced back at me with a worried expression. "I'll bring him okay. Hold on and don't any shit when we get there." He said in a hushed whisper but I still heard it pretty much.

"Levi what wrong." I said as he walked pass me. " we have to go down to the dock real quick I'll explain when we get there okay." He smiled at me gently. What I wondered what was going on why did Hanji need us in late evening?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the docking board~

It almost looked like a hurricane was about to strike all the boat were swaying from side to side and the waters from what I could tell where getting really rough. "Levi what's going on." My voice anybody could tell from I was on the rise of panic. Levi didn't answer me he held my hand tight and lead me down the dock one leading off into the ocean. Standing there was Hanji.

"Eren, Levi!" You could tell she was relieved of something just by seeing us here. "I have to tell him Levi. If this goes on it could turn into something massive." Levi nodded.

"Eren this isn't a hurricane is that what your thinking. We think your pod has something to do with this." I shook my head lightly. "They can't have something to do with this Armin told us he was gonna set everything straight he would lie behind back if that's what your trying to say." I replied. How could this have something to do with my pod. There half way across the ocean somewhere near South America where the warm weather is.

"I'am not saying he didn't Eren but. Eren the end of your time here is up it's been up to about four months and I think they want you back by how cause fishermen have sighted them by shallows and under docking boards. And as far as eye witnesses go they always say the same. They'er attacked and say "Give Eren back!" plus on the radar there isn't suppose to even be a hurricane brewing now. So what do you suppose!?"

I was clutching Levi I felt him calming me. Trying to at least tel me it would be okay. But this is the exact reason I didn't want to wait cause now I have to fix this and hope there no war that involves bloodshed.

"Levi whatevere happens....I love you okay. Okay! So don't come in after me cause it'll be fine I promise." Levi was about to say something. Probably off the line of "What are you talking about?" but he didn't need to know what know now. I gave him one last kiss and jumped off the docking Board.

I'am sorry Levi if I don't come back. I'am sorry if I cause you any pain. But know this I will come back even if it's the last thing I do.

I know it's a rather short chapter but my dad says out internet is getting cut off in a day or two. So yeah.

Also I fixed at least one problem in my life is my family problem but more just seem to arise now. But I'll smile through it just make it by. Also I think I'am going to end the book in a chapter or two I know it's sad to say but I figured out a way to end it.

I love you all and the lovely comment you put on my fics. Bye and come again soon c:

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