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"Wake up, Lucy, you're going to be late for your first day of college!" My aunt, Ella Jones, screamed as she barged into my room. She pulled the duvet off of my petit body, making me shiver to the contact of the cold air.

"Get up, lazy." She said, opening my curtains, letting all the sun come in.

I growled and placed my pillow over my head. Why were mornings so hard? Who actually liked waking up in a foreign country to go to college? No one.

My aunt sighed and left my room. I thought I could finally go back to sleep peacefully, but instead, I felt a cool liquid pool over my head. Instantaneously, I sit up and spot my fourteen-year-old brother, Tyler standing next to me with an empty bucket. His evil and annoying laugh echoed in my room, making me want to rip off his head more than I already did.

"Tyler! What's your problem?" I screamed.

He continued to laugh in my face, so I stood up, making him take a step back. I approached him until I was only centimeters from his face. He stopped laughing. My hands formed into balls and I shot him a deadly glare.

"I swear to God if you ever do that again you will regret it." I said through my teeth.

"What are you going to do, huh?" he challenged with a smirk.

"Just you wait, Tyler... I'll get you back so good you won't sleep for days." I grinned.

He nodded and scurried out of my room. He was such an idiot; I never understood how stupid he was. Where did he even get that stupidity from? My mum wasn't stupid, my dad either and I certainly was not.

Since Tyler ruined my morning with a bucket full of glacial water, I decided to go take a warm shower. My hair was already damped and so was my body, so it didn't really change anything. Plus, I'd be all fresh and clean for my first day at university.

After my shower, I got dressed. I decided to wear something simple and casual: my black ripped skinny jeans and a large white jumper with multiple black cats printed on it. With the variety of choices of different pairs of shoes, I finally concluded with my white high-top Converse. After dressing up, it was the turn of my hair. I only dried them and let them loose and natural, all perfectly wavy. I braided my fringe to the side, tying it with a bobby-pin. I glanced at the time and noticed I only had an hour left to get ready and I still had my makeup to do, have breakfast and check my suitcase to be sure I had everything I needed.

I went down to the kitchen to see Ella and Tyler eating a bowl of cereal on the island. Ella smiled at me and Tyler eyed me up and down, not holding back the grin on his face.

"Are you going on a date with a cat lady?" he laughed.

Ella frowned and looked at him. She swatted his arm, making him flinch. He continued to laugh at me until I shot him a glare.

"Don't forget about what I told you earlier." I snapped.

He didn't reply and his eyes soon met his bowl of cereal. I walked over to the island to make myself some toast. I searched for my all-bran bread and inserted them in the toaster. Meanwhile, I went over to the fridge and got some low-fat milk. There was already a glass on the island for me, so I poured some milk in it and took a quick sip. Minutes later, my toast were ready and soon topped with sugar-free jam. Yes, I did watch what I ate. I did not want to be a fat and out-of-shape adult. Every day – except today – I usually went for a jog. It woke me up and boosts my mood.

I finished my toasts in no time and hurried to my room to start my makeup. I put some eyeliner, mascara, a little blush and some lip gloss. My makeup was a bit messy since I hurried up so I had more time to look over my luggage.

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