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My alarm wakes me up early this Monday morning. I grunt loudly before pressing snooze and going back to sleep. But that didn’t last long since three loud knocks on the door woke me up fully. I make an inhuman sound before lifting my body up from my bed. Alice isn’t here this morning since she had to leave early for a test. I put on my sweater before opening the door. No one is there so I look to the left and the right to see absolutely nothing. That was when I saw a little white box on the floor. I kneeled down and picked it up. There are small red ribbons tied around it with a cute little bow on top. I close the door and place the box on my work desk. A white envelop is stuck to the ribbon with my name printed neatly on it. I smile and open the box before the letter. A loud laugh escapes my lips when I see two pancakes with a smiley face made out of fruits in the box. I roll my eyes and open the letter carefully.

Good morning, beautiful. I’m sorry for yesterday and today if I poison you with my pancakes. See you later. –H x.

I smile and place the letter neatly in between my two books where Harry’s other little note was. I don’t know why I keep them, but I just want something from him. Wow, I sound insane.

After I am done getting ready, I make my way towards my first class which is Business. On my way there, I keep on thinking about how tasty Harry’s pancakes were. For someone who has no experience in cooking, they were one of the tastiest pancakes I have ever eaten in my entire life. Sounds crazy, right? But, Harry’s pancake isn’t the only thing in my thoughts.

I enter the class and take my usual spot near the window. Harry isn’t there yet and so is all the class. Only the two nerds and I are here. I look at the time and realise I am five minutes early. Oh well, at least I won’t be late. I set up my things on my desk and open my phone, scrolling through old texts of my old friends and me.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Harry’s deep raspy voice whispers in my ear.

I snap my head away from my phone and my gaze meets Harry’s beautiful eyes. He smiles and I shyly smile back. Why am I shy?

“Oh, hi, I didn’t see you there.” I say and pick at my nails.

“Fuck, Lucy, don’t do that here.” He whispers.


“Don’t pick at your fingers like that.” He licks his lips.

“Sorry, I guess?” I say but it comes out more as a question.

“All right class, settle down!” Mr. Larry calls, catching everyone’s attention except Harry’s. His eyes are still locked to me, but I try to keep my attention to Mr. Larry. “Next Monday, we will be going on a trip downtown London. Everyone must attend it since it will be part of your project for the semester. You will be assigned a partner when we get there. We are leaving Monday morning at six AM sharp. If you are not there, we are leaving without you and you will get no credits for the project. I strongly recommend that you don’t purposely miss the trip because it values eighty percent of your term. We will be back on campus at ten PM. Are there any questions concerning the trip?” he explains while making his way around class handing us small pamphlets.

No one raises their hand or call out any questions. Harry isn’t focused on me anymore but on the paper. Mr. Larry finishes distributing the pamphlets and makes his way back in front of the class. He sits in his chair, adjusts his cardigan, clear his throat and takes a copy of the flyer in his own hands.

“Now, open it up and follow along.”  He says and opens the booklet, “So, we are leaving at six AM to get there around six thirty depending on the traffic. Once we reach our destination, you will be assigned a partner that you must spend the day with. I don’t care if they are the person you despise the most, there is no complaining. You must get back at the London Eye at nine so we can leave at nine thirty.”

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