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“Lucy, open the door.” Harry calls from the other side of the door, playing with the locked doorknob.

I don’t reply to him and bring my knees up to my chest. Hugging them, I rest my head on my knees and let out a sob I didn’t know I was holding. Why am I crying anyway? Maybe it’s because I’m mad at Harry. I really am, I mean, couldn’t he just let it go after the first time I told him I wasn’t flirting? No, he had to piss me off and here I am, crying in his bathroom. Anyway, why does he think I was flirting with Maze? I was definitely not flirting and he wasn’t doing anything bad either. Yeah he said I had nice eyes, but is that really bad? I don’t think so. I’m not taking the blame this time; it’s Harry’s fault. I didn’t do anything wrong and he is the one who overreacted. All I hope is that he gets over it and that he understands that Maze and I were not flirting. Since when is having a civil conversation considered flirting?

“Open the door, please.” Harry says again from the other side of the thin door.

“Leave me alone.” I cry, burying my face in my hands.

“Please, I’m sorry, just come out so we can talk about it.” He replies.

“Go away.” I sob.

“Please, baby, open the door. I’m sorry, just please open it.” He begs.

I wasn’t going to give in so easily but the way he said it in this sweet tone completely took me off guard. Before I realised what was going on, my hands were wrapped around Harry’s neck and his were snaked around my waist, tugging me into him as much as possible. He sooths small circles in the small of my back, making me shiver every time. I burry my head in his neck and continue to sob. I wouldn’t have given in so early but I couldn’t stay in that stuffy bathroom for the rest of my life. I had to be a mature adult and just face it.

“I’m sorry, baby.” He hums in my ear, while stroking my hair.

I want to reply but I just don’t seem to find the words. My sobs are taking over me and it annoys me. I don’t even know why I am acting this way. All that happened was that I got really pissed at Harry, so why am I crying like a baby? Harry hushes me softly in my ear before he takes my hand and slowly guides me to his room. Tears don’t hesitate to keep on falling down my cheeks and more continuous sobs keep escaping my mouth. Harry sits me down on his bed and kneels down to be eye level with me.

“Are you okay?” he worriedly asks, grabbing the back of his neck.

I was going to reply, but instead I choked on my sobs. God, I hate when this happens. Harry’s eyes grow wide and he immediately sits beside me, rubbing my back.

“Breath, Lucy, just breathe. Calm down a bit, all right?” he sooths and I nod, taking in a few deep breaths, “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to make you angry. I was just fucking pissed that that asshole was flirting with you.” His body tenses up.

“H-Harry,” I choke, “He wasn’t f-flirting with me.” I say in between sobs.

“What was he doing then?” he asks calmly.

“He only told me that the movie was good.” I say slowly in between breathes.

“Why does he know your name?” he asks.

“He told me his so I told him mine.”

“Why were you giggling with him?”

“His name is Maze so I thought it was funny.” I answer.

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