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“What are you thinking?” Harry’s voice snaps me out of my deep and worrying thoughts.

I snap my eyes away from the blank wall and land on Harry. My jaw falls almost to the ground when I see his body. Multiple tattoos fill his arms and a beautiful butterfly is inked on his stomach. My eyes follow the lines of his perfect abdominals all the way to his V-line that hides behind a white towel tied around his waist. His legs are long and skinny, the pair that every girl dreams of having. I bring my eyes back up to his face. He has a large smirk plastered on his face showing off his cute dimples. His hair is damped and his curls are slightly visible. His arms are just so muscular, wait, all of his body is.

“Like what you see?” he snaps me out of my daydream.

I feel heat rushing in my cheeks making his smirk even more visible than ever. I look at my phone, trying to get rid of the embarrassing tension.

“Don’t you have a girlfriend? I mean, what will she think about me staying the night… well, day, I don’t know.” I blab, the nervousness certainly taking over me.

“I don’t care what she thinks.” He spits and sits next to me.

“What, why?” he shouldn’t really be talking like this about his girlfriend.

“She isn’t my mum; she’s not going to be deciding for me. And anyway, she is fucking annoying.”

Is he still drunk or is that the lack of sleep talking? I think both. What should I say? Oh I totally agree, and she is a bitch on top of that. Why are you with her? Not that I care. No not really, he might take it as an insult and be mad at me.

“Oh,” is all I say. I’m shutting my mouth before I say anything stupid. “Can you, um, go dress before we start a conversation? It is kind of disturbing.”

A large smirk appears on his face for the millionth time today. He stands up and look down at me, “There’s nothing to talk about anyway.”

I watch him walk across the living room and down to his room. He closes the door and I put my attention back to my phone. Still no messages or texts, I decide to check up my Facebook. Nothing new really, just my mates telling me they miss me. I simply reply to them that I miss them too and I can’t wait to go back to Australia. Seriously, I cannot wait one more second. I hate England. People in Australia were so nice, but here, sheesh, they are not.

Yes Alice and Harry are nice so far, but Amber is not. I really hate her. Well, I don’t really know her so I can’t say I hate her. But she was being a bitch when I first saw her. The people in Australia are so friendly and welcoming, they always have a smile on their face and they are very polite. At least the ones I knew were. No one would cut off mid-sentence and tell them to go away like Amber did. If I wouldn’t have been well behaved, I would’ve just pinned her right to the ground and smash my fist in her face.

“Are you coming to bed soon?” Harry’s voice, once again, pierce me out of my negative and violent thoughts.

“I am not sleeping in the same bed as you. I will sleep on the couch.” I say, refusing to get that close to Harry. For Christ’s sakes, I don’t know anything about him. Yes he has a bitchy girlfriend, a perfect body and he goes to University, but other than that, I know nothing. Not even his age.

“You are not sleeping on this rigid couch.” He commands.

“Fine, than I am leaving.” I say and stand up.

I brush pass him and put my shoes, but before I could go anywhere, Harry grabs my arm gently pulling me back.

“All right, but I will sleep on the couch. You can sleep in my bed. It is way more comfy.” He says, his voice way softer.

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