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I deleted With Love because I have two other ideas for different fanfics and I completely lost what I was going t do... So yeah sorry for the ones who were reading it. Oh and the updates will be less frequent now because I've been doing bad in school and I have t concentrate on my grades. Also because I am working on my music and the two other fanfics. Anyway, enjoy Chapter 29! Love y'all xx


As I wait patiently with my Vanilla Latte in hand, my phone starts buzzing in my pocket. I take it out and sigh at the caller ID. Harry. He’s called me at least sixty times during the week and ten of them are today. We haven’t voluntarily talked all week. We basically had to communicate when we were working on our project in Business but I kept the conversation to a minimum. If ever he would say something that is not related to the project, I would stand up from my seat and go talk to Mr. Larry; pretending as if I was confused on something.

I spent the week in my dorm with Alice. She was mad at me for ditching her but I made it up to her. We spent the whole week together, including lunch hours. We caught up on everything we were missing out. For example; my fight with Harry and what happened in the Ferris wheel. As for her, she told me that Theo asked her out on a date and that they are starting to be more than just friends with benefits. While she was talking about her and Theo, she started going in steamy details so I stopped her. She wanted me to go in details about the Ferris wheel but I refused. I only told her the basic without going into specific aspects.

We talked about the dance squad and she said she forgot the auditions were on that day. Although, we did go see Charlie and she said Alice could do her audition now. She also told me that I was now part of the team. I was so happy it was unbelievable. I wanted to tell Harry but I almost forgot that we were in a fight.

The screen fades away after an eternity of vibrating. I know Harry doesn’t want me to go see his father but I have to. By the time I have finished my Latte, a familiar face takes a seat next to me. He crosses his right leg over his left and straightens his posture before flashing me a warm smile.

I throw my arms around him and engulf him into a tight hug. “Troy! I’ve missed you so much.”

“Oh girl, I’ve missed you too. Everyone back home can’t wait for you to come back. You are coming back after Uni, aren’t you?” he says in his squeaky voice gesturing random stuff with his hands.

“Of course,” I smile. “Do you have the fake visitor pass?”

He clamps his mouth over my mouth. “Hold it honey, you can’t just say that aloud.”

I remove his hand. “Calm down, Troy, it’s not like we’re spies or something.”

“Anyway.” He huffs and passes me a large orange envelop.

“Let’s roll.” I wink and we both get out of our seats.

On our way to Wandsworth, Troy and I talked about our new lives in general. Troy told me he met a boy and they moved in with each other not long ago. They’ve been dating since I moved to England. His parents are doing perfectly fine. Troy’s parents had always been like my second mum and dad. They’ve always been so helpful and caring, I always felt loved around them. It’s not that I didn’t feel loved around my own parents or what so ever, I was just glad that my parents weren’t the only one who appreciated me. I am a likeable person honestly, so I didn’t have problem with that. Anyway, I told Troy about Harry and he really wants to meet him. I told him about Alice, Amber, university, Aunt Ella, Tyler, Maze… basically everything except the reason why I am going to visit Harry’s father. I didn’t tell him how Oliver got into prison either. Troy knows that Oliver is Harry’s father, but he doesn’t know much about him and I think it is better off that way.

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