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I stumble for a few feet before falling to the ground completely. I don't try to fight the feels growing inside me anymore as I stare at the stars above. I watch as they glow and shine, some brighter than others. It's funny how even though we have all been through so much, I never forget where I came from.

Where we came from.

Before I can stop it, a sob rips through my broken chest. The pain pushes against my shattered rib cage, begging to be let out. And I do. I let it all out. Because I am utterly and completely alone.

"They're dead," I gasp, unable to draw in any air. "They're all dead."

If you talk when no one is around, is it still considered a conversation? I watch the stars shine above me, as the tears continue to run down my cheeks and into the dirt below me. I picture Clarke, Finn and Raven with their horrible love triangle. Monty and Jasper being the lovable dorks that you could never get sick of.

I see Bellamy Blake.

The asshole that I had to develop feelings for. The guy that muttered, 'may we meet again', not knowing that days later I would laying on the ground with my heart being torn out. Because no, we may not meet again.

I feel my world start to cave in, " I miss them," I sob deeply and painfully as every inch of desperation and pain claws it's way out of me. "I miss him." I close my eyes not wanting to see the beauty of the sky when my life was so full of ugly.

I thought that finally my heart had been rebuilt from it's shattered form, but now I feel all it's pieces falling apart again.

Rebuilt ➳ Bellamy Blake [2] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now