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"Okay, tell me again."

Me and Clarke look at each other and I nod slightly letting her speak. As I listen I raise the cup to my mouth and finish off the liquid inside it.

"It's a labyrinth. We got to the dam through this tunnel," She points to the hand drawn map laying on the table in front of us. "It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in."

He nods slightly, "Sure, if we can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men. I swear to god, if your mom doesn't sanction a mission soon...I'm going by myself."

I turn and give him a slight glare, "Yeah, you think so. You don't know what it's like in that mountain and if you honestly believe I'm letting your ass go in there solo...you're crazier than I thought. Which is saying something."

He rolls his eyes, but I notice the small smirk on his lips. His leg bumps my good one under the table and I bump his back a little harder.

I look up and notice Clarke staring off behind Bellamy before following her gaze. Finn walks out of the Ark and Bellamy turns noticing it too, "Guess the inquisitions over. How's Finn doing, anyway?"

She looks down at the middle of the table processing her own words, "I haven't talked to him since we got back. I don't know what to say. He just kept shooting."

I look up and speak before I think, "Sometimes we just have to keep shooting, Clarke. This is a war we're fighting, not a birthday party."

I feel Bellamy's eyes trained on my, but thankfully before I have to hear anything Finn walks up to the table.


I feel myself grow even more awkward as Finn continues to stare at Clarke and she tries to keep her eyes away from him. I gather the cups off the table and start to stand.

Bellamy must have caught on to what I was doing because he immediately followed, "Next round is on us." I move back and start to walk away. I caught Murphy's eyes as he walks past us and towards the direction we just left from.

"I'm not sure how I feel about that."

I know Bellamy heard as he grunts lightly, "I don't think anyone knows how they feel about that." I laugh lightly and continue to walk. 

I look back and notice the table we once occupied now empty, "Well I think Clarke found somewhere less awkward to be."

I feel a tug at my hand and I'm pulled over away from the crowd of drinking people. I look down to see Bellamy's hand holding onto my own. I sit the cups down on an empty table as we pass it. I continue to follow him in silence as he leads me away from the populated area of camp.

"Well if you've finally decided to get rid of me doing it in a busy camp probably isn't the brightest of ideas." I smirk lightly at my own joke, but quickly stop when Bellamy turns to me with a serious expression on his face. 

We slowly stop walking and he sits on a large piece of metal put on the ground to be used as a makeshift bench. I follow his lead and find myself sitting next to him. I feel anxiousness creep it's way up my chest at the thick silence in the air around us. I wait for him to start talking and lucky he doesn't wait too long. 

"I spoke to Abby."

I feel my face contort in confusion at his words. I slowly shake my head, "Okay? Did she tell you anything about going to Mount Weather?" He sighs and leans his elbows against his knees putting his head in his hands. "Can you please tell me what is going on because I feel like I need to be worried. Do I need to be worried?"

"I don't know yet," He lifts his head slightly and stares out into the darkness ahead of us. "I spoke to her about you. After I came back and after she had talked to you, she came to see me with some..concerns. She's worried about what being in Mount Weather has done to you," 

The worry I felt inside fades away quickly being replaced by annoyance. "She doesn't know what's she's talking about. She doesn't know what happened to me and she especially doesn't know me. Just forget-"

"What's wrong with your knee?" I feel my body tense immensely at his words. Out of habit I look down at my covered wound. I knew that what happened between us last night had finally and fully given away my injury, but I had been hoping to ignore it as long as I could.

I guess ignoring problems didn't always work out in the best way.


Okay, I am so sorry for not updating for such a long time. I don't even know how long it's been (maybe like two weeks?), but it's just that time of year for me. I have a week left of my senior year and it consist of finals and graduation prep. I will try try try my hardest to update at least once next week. My gift is two updates this time round and I really hope they aren't pure crap. Alright, once again leave me some comments so I know what you guys are thinking!

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