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I groan lowly and try to move my body in a more comfortable position. I don't dare open my eyes as I hear the faint sound of voices around me. I flash back to the dreadfulness of waking up in the cold metal room inside Mount Weather, but I remember finally getting free.

Then being shot.

These assholes seriously need to pay more attention. I slowly blink my eyes open and try to focus on the main voice speaking.

"We aren't doing this right now." I turn my head to see Clarke's mom sitting on table with Clarke laying next to her, awake.

I notice the other woman standing a few feet away and I immediately tense at her guard uniform, "Yes ma'am,"

I sit up as her and another guard leave the room. "Hey, you need to be careful. You've got some pretty bad injuries and you were just shot not that long ago."

I stare cautiously at the younger looking guy in front of me and I can't seem to remember him from my time on the ark. I nod slowly and unsurely, but continue to sit up.  He walks out of the room leaving me with Clarke and her mom.

My hands close into fist at the pain emitting from my knee and my lower right side, I'm guessing the drug is beginning to wear off.


"Mom, did anyone else make it here?" Clarke's voice is slightly weakened, but I take comfort with the first familiar thing I've seen and heard since I've woken up.

"Yes," I stare at Clarke's mother wide eyed as she speaks. I sigh content that at least some of us made it here. "Six of you did."

"Finn and Bellamy?" I wince at the sound of his name and I can't help but feel annoyed at Clarke's hopeful tone.

"Clarke! You know they didn't so why ask?!" I swing my feet over the side of table and feel my breathing become heavier as I stand. I ignore all the pain in my body and move towards the door.

"Yes, they did."

Suddenly it feels like all body functions and movements stop immediately. I hold my breath waiting for someone to jump out and yell, 'Surprise! Just kidding they're actually all dead!'.

I slowly turn around and stare at Clarke's mom as she looks between me and her daughter.

Before I can conjure up the energy to speak I hear Clarke's voice, "I though they were dead,"

I slowly back of the room as Clarke and her mom hug emotionally. I wipe the small tears that escaped from my eyes before walking out into the sunlight. I watch as people walk around the camp so casually.

I just stare and try to wrap my head around what I just heard. I fear that any minute now I'm going to be ripped awake from it all. I'll be back laying on the metal table, drill in my knee, and Bellamy dead.

Clarke dead.

Everyone dead.

"Elena?" I turn quickly at the sound of my name and I'm surprised to see a familiar face.

"Raven?" I slowly walk forward and soon she wraps her arms around me. I slowly do the same and I take in the feeling of another person I've come to care about being alive.

Even though we might not have been best friends I can say I'm glad that she is here hugging me instead of in Mount Weather or burnt to crisp.

"What Happened? You weren't in the Dropship when it all went down. I thought you were.."

I laugh lowly and look down slightly, "Dead? Come one, you I'm more bad ass than that. If I'm going out it'll be better than a blaze of glory."

She laughs and looks behind me before racing over. I turn to see her and Clarke embracing which causes me to smile in the slightest bit.

"Open the gates!" I turn again when I hear a buzzer then the sound of the large metal gate being opened. I can't lie, they have this place pretty secure.

I watch as a few people start to shuffle in and I walk closer trying to see passed the guards that have gathered around them.

I shoulder shove someone out of the way, but my mind completely freezes when I see the face I never thought I would again.

I watch as he talks so calmly to Clarke's mother and as he helps a timid looking girl. Even though she said he was alive, even though I heard those words, nothing could prepare me for seeing him.

Not when I was so sure the one person to ever break me down was dead. Gone.

Now he's standing in front of me and I feel like I can't breathe. I feel small tears leak from eyes again, but I ignore them as my feet start to move against the ground.

First slowly, as if I'm scared that if I get too close he will disappear and so will the last bit of my humanity.

But then as I start to see the the small details that make up Bellamy Blake, I run. I run faster than ever before. I see the definition of his jaw and the wideness of his shoulders.

Before he can even see me I latch myself onto him and let out a silent cry. He's real and he's stand here and he's alive.

For a few seconds, which feel like agonizingly long years, his arms don't move. But then suddenly they wrap around my waist and I sigh at the familiar feeling of them.

I inhale deeply and lay my head on his broad shoulder. I continue to silently let tears fall from my eyes. I couldn't care less if no one was watching or if every damn person in this camp is staring at us.

"I thought," I inhale sharply and pull him impossibly closer, "I thought you were dead. I thought you died."

I hear him sigh deeply before slowly pulling away and I almost lose my breath at the closeness of his face. I've never feared for anything to be a dream than this moment. But deep down I know it's not. This is real.

He's real.

"I'm right here. You're gonna have to try harder than that to get rid of me," I smirk up at him, but I'm caught of guard as he bends down quickly and kisses me.

I lean into him slightly before we both pull away. I want nothing more than to live in the feeling of Bellamy Blake's lips against mine, but I see someone standing by our side.

I turn and see Octavia smiling brightly as she stares between us.

"Well it's about damn time,"

I pull away from Bellamy completely before hugging her and nodding slightly, "I'm so glad you're not dead."


Okay, so I honestly don't know if how I wrote them reuniting did any justice, but I hope it did. I'm starting to feel slightly better after my surgery, so let's all hope I can start updating more frequently! Also, thank you to anyone who left a comment telling me to focus on getting better and just being a great person in general! You guys are amazing!

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