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It starts low in my chest before rushing up my throat and out of my mouth. I cough violently and water escapes my body and lands on the ground in front of me. I inhale deeply replacing the water with much needed air. Once again, I am relieved by the feeling of numbness buzzing around my body.

I think of Clarke, not knowing if she is alive or if she is floating in the water, but like they say; better you than I.

I force myself up to my feet and out of the shallow bit of murky water. I look around me, but I don't see a soul. I notice the blood gushing from my knee and I quickly tear off the bottom half of my pant leg and wrap it around the now painless wound. Again I find myself walking to no where with no one.


I sit on the edge of the hill and watch everything around me. A part of me feels free sitting in the dirt with no plan or place that I have to be. I never thought about the fact that if you're alone, truly alone, you can never let anybody down. I have no expectations to live up to or other people to think about.

I didn't want to think about what I will have to face when the 2 ominous needles in my pocket run out. So, instead of thinking about it, I will do what I do best, shove it as far down as it will go.

I relish in the feeling of nothing and look up at the scorching sun in the bright sky. A few short hours ago I had seen something in the sky. It was obviously made from the arch and even though days ago I would be fighting tooth and nail to make it there, I couldn't decide now what I wanted to do.

I turn my attention to the ground below me when I hear a twig snap. I watch closing as two very familiar bodies trample through the mud and bushes quickly. I look closer and notice Anya leading Clarke by a piece of rope around her wrists.

I debate whether I should make a move or continue to watch the view from where I sit. Although the latter sounds exquisite, I probably will need one of them later on. I jump down and land quietly on my feet.

I watch as both girls tumble past me and I slowly reach over and grasp a medium sized rock. Making sure I'm close enough to see them, but far enough away where Anya won't hear me, I continue to follow.

"Anya your arm is bleeding. At least let me see it and make sure it doesn't get infected," I hear Clarke's voice travel between the trees and when I see them both stop and face the opposite way, I make my move.

I jump over from the bushes and slam the rock against the back of Anya's head. I ignore Clarke's sounds of surprise as I tear the rope from her wrist.

"Oh my god, Elena I thought you were gone. I didn't think you survived the jump. Thank you so-" I stand up from my crouched stance and face her quickly.

"I didn't do this to save you, okay? I did this because I'm going to need at least one of you to show me where I'm supposed to be going," I don't explain any further before crouching back down and tying the rope around Anya's wrists.

I feel Clarke's state as she watches me, "Is there something you have to say?"

She steps back slightly at my tone and looks at me confused, "What did you do? You took something before that jump and now you're..." I raise my eyebrow slightly and continue to watch her try to piece everything together.

Unluckily for her, I wasn't in the mood for explaining myself. "Listen, I know after everything that happened with Bellamy that you must be feeling a lot right now-"

"No, I'm not. I don't feel anything anymore, so let's cut the crap and get moving." I stand again and wipe some of the dirt from my pants.

"Don't I get an explanation?! What happened to you in that mountain? What did you do that completely changed the girl I know?!" I feel myself get angered at the accusing tone of Clarke's voice and I take an annoyed step closer to her.

"No, last I checked my mother is dead and you aren't her, so no, you don't  get an explanation. I want you to hear me when I say this, forget about the girl you knew and get used to the one in front of you. This is me now and you're just going to have to deal with it!" I take a deep breathe trying to calm my anger.

I look down as Anya starts to move and awaken again. I quickly reach down and pull her to her feet, "Wake up princess, we've got places to be."

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