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I pant heavily as the sound of the drill finally stops. I don't dare close my eyes, too terrified that she will start again at any second. Instead of resuming, the doctor walks over to the table and grabs a hollow syringe.

"Now I just to extract the marrow and you can take a small break."

I huff in annoyance, "I'm so gracious." My voice is a gruff and raspy whisper as it leaves my throat. I wince when I feel another sharp pain in my knee.

"Done," she walks over again and I try to ignore the blood covering her apron. My blood. I feel my lip curl up in anger, but I bite back any remarks. I jump slightly when I hear the door open once again and I cringe at the fear the sound now causes me.

"How's everything going in here?" I see Wallace walk over and take a long look at my leg.

"Lovely," I roll my eyes lightly trying to ignore the pain.

"Listen, you're lucky we found you when you did. You would have died from the poisoned arrow in your leg. We've been trying to engineer some new antidotes to match the outsiders," He continues to walk closer to me and I try my best not to flinch back, especially when I notice a small needle in his hand.

"Of course we aren't going to waste any numbing or anesthetics on you, but I do have something to try. I won't give it to my people until I know what the side effects are and I couldn't imagine a better time to try it than now." I try to pull away, but get no where before he sticks the needle in my arm.

"Stop taking her blood. Let's see how she reacts to HJ-008. Record any changes in behavior or any numbing you notice." I feel heat rush through my entire body and I can barley hear his voice over the sound of my own breathing.

It's slow and steady now, but it sounds louder than ever before. My vision becomes corrupted and I can't fight to keep my eyes open any longer.

All I see is the darkness surrounding me. It's that type of dark where your mind starts to play tricks on you. You see little movements, an odd shape or hear a strange noise. Then suddenly that eerie darkness is interrupted by an abrupt white light.

Too white and artificial to be the sun, but to over powering and close to be a lamp. My breathing starts to pick up when it doesn't fade or disappear.

Then it does.

I look around to see the magnificently green trees and bright baby blue sky. I feel envy and awe for all the colors around me. This feeling can only be matched to the first day we landed on earth. I feel the soft blades of grass under me as I lay on the ground.

The ground I never thought I'd be able to touch. I close my eyes as I feel nothing but utter peace and serenity. Until I feel rough hands grip my skin and yank me from that bliss. My eyes snap open and the sky is now a gloomy gray.

I look down to see dirt covered hands and arms erupt from the ground and clasped onto me. I yell and try to jump up, but they keep appearing holding to this stop. I ignore the loud clap of thunder come from above me, too focused on trying to escape.

The arms grow longer until I see bodies coming up from the ground. The first person I see makes me hold my breath. My father climbs out from the dirt and inhales deeply, but his hands never leave my arm.

Next is my mother, Charlotte, Finn, Wells, a young grounder girl, and the man who ruined my life. I feel the tears fill my eyes as I look at all of them in terror.

"Please, let me go!" I scream the words, but they come out just a mere whisper.

"All these people are dead," My entire body freezes at his voice. I don't dare move as the hands continue to hold me down. I feel myself too scared to look up, but when I hear him again I force myself too.

"Don't you think you could have done something?" Bellamy kneels in front of me, blood and dirt smeared across his handsome face. I shake my head lightly, knowing he isn't real. None of this is real.

"You could have saved them. You just didn't want to. You could have saved me. You just didn't try hard enough. Why do you get to feel? Why do you get to live? You ran when I was leaning on you, expecting you to save me." I feel my own sadness and defeat crawl away inside of me and hide.

I feel everything that makes me Elena, start to retreat. It's like someone takes a dimmer light switch and slowly starts to turn my everything off.

"You're not real.." I mumble to words and let my head fall back against the ground. "You're not real!"

I jolt up and instead of a dark sky I see a metal ceiling and the feeling of soft grass against my back is replaced with steal once again.

I feel my forehead crease in confusion, as the first few seconds after being reawaken I feel nothing instead of feeling despair and fear. Nothing.

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