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"Stop!" I scream as pain radiates throughout my entire body. Every nerve is burning up and dissolving within the fire. Even after I repeat the words multiple times, nothing changes . The drill continues to dive into my bone and Doctor Tsing continues her work. I notice her body jump up surprise when the heavy metal door rips open.

"Out! We need to move her now!" I hear Wallace's familiar voice, but instead of cool and calm it is frantic. I try to watch him as he walks into the room, but my eyes slowly shut from exhaustion.

"What do you mean we need to move her? I am in the middle of drilling into her bone, Sir." I hear metal hit metal before he speaks again.

"I don't care. My father is coming down here and she needs to be out of here before that. We cannot let him see this, or everything is ruined!" The next few seconds of silence feels like hours, but soon I feel the restraints loosen from around me. My eyes spring open and I force my body forward.

I grunt as I jump up and shove the doctor away from me. I ignore the burst of pain in my right leg and try to move myself from off the table.

"No, no, no.." Wallace's hands quickly grab me and restrain my weak body. I feel a small pinch in my arm before I start to involuntarily relax. "You aren't getting away," His voice is faint as my head rolls backwards and I lose feeling all over my body. "Restrain her quickly, we need to go."

Again, I find myself in the dark empty space I had before. Instead of a bright light and beautiful sky, nothing changes. I think for a moment that this is it for me when a deep familiar voice surrounds me.

'You could have saved them. You didn't try hard enough. You could have saved me. You weren't strong enough. You don't deserve to be alive. You are weak, alone, and insignificant. Turn everything off, Elena. Do it.'

"I can't," I mumble into the silent air.

Or so I thought it was silent until I hear heavy footsteps surround me. I slowly pry my eyes open and blink at the lights. I lay on a stretcher as guards walk next to me, carrying various guns.

The ceiling is the same as the room I had been waking up to for the past few days. I turn my head slowly to the side and watch as we past paintings and pieces of art hanging on the metal walls. I see few people walk by quietly, but they keep their heads down.

The all give Wallace looks of awe and appreciation before scurrying away. I try to close my eyes again, wishing that maybe they wouldn't ever have to open again, when I notice a patch of familiar blonde hair.

She walks along with us, but far enough away to be hidden with the other people. I feel my hand slowly raise and reach over the side of the stretcher at the sight of her blue eyes, wide in surprise and determination.

She gives me a look of sorrow before I lose her in the small bundle of people passing by. Instead of tearing up, or feeling anything at all, I whisper one name to myself.

One last significant piece of hope, "Clarke."

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