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"What happened?"

I watch as Abby continues to clean the wound on my knee, but all I see is the curiosity burning bright in her eyes. I don't say anything at first and I try to ignore how hollow the silence is.

How do I even answer that question?

I feel my eyes wander off and I watch something that's not actually there. The feeling of dread runs through my body as I think of what actually did happen.

I continue to stare when I decide to end the silence, "There are some crazy ass people in that mountain. We need to get our people out of there."

I feel Abby's hands stop moving and her gaze watches my face for a few seconds, "Okay, but what really happened in there Elena?"

I shake my head silently as I don't meet her eyes, "Doesn't matter. What's done is done, there's no going back,"

She finishes up by wrapping gauze around my knee and backs away slowly.

"You need to take it easy. That knee will take about a week before you can put your weight on it. Do anything major and you'll tear your stitches."

I nod silently and watch her leave the room. I glare at the white gauze covering my knee. I needed to get out there and help find Murphy and Finn before they mess everything up even more. The pain I was feeling, both mentally and psychically, wouldn't allow me to do that.

I slowly reach into the pocket of my jacket and pull out the clear syringe. I shake it gently in my hands and watch as the golden colored liquid swishes in the glass.

A part of myself knew that this wasn't right. Being careless and heartless wasn't actually helping me fix anything. It was just pushing my problems off for a later time.

I slowly pull the cap off the needle, but I stop when I hear someone enter the room from behind me. I quickly close the needle and shove it back into my pocket. I turn and I feel my breath catch at the all too familiar person in front of me.

I smile brightly as Bellamy walks over and leans against the table I'm sitting on, "How are you feeling?"

I shrug and lean slightly against his arm, "Oh you know me, super bad ass. I'm fine." I smile at the sight of his own smile.

I watch as it fades slightly and he looks away, "I was never sure. I didn't know if you even made it out for sure. If I knew that you were in that mountain,"

I lay my hand on his and he looks up quickly, "You would have what? There's nothing different you could have done. Things happened and people died. I thought you died. I thought I was sure. But now you're standing here, being totally annoying by the way, and I never thought I would see you again." His laugh is short and gruff as he leans down slightly.

I watch as he puts both hands on either side of me and leans down till we're the same height, "I'm being annoying, huh? Well I guess I'll just leave then,"

He slowly starts to stand, but I reach over pull him back down by the collar of his shirt, "Alright, maybe I missed you." We both smile as he leans in and I'm once again caught up in the wonderful world of Bellamy Blake.

➳  ➳  ➳

"What? No, you can't just cut them loose!" I stand behind Clarke with Bellamy as she argues with her mom. Apparently Finn and Murphy weren't important enough to send a group after to find them. Even though they could quite possibly cause an even bigger mess with the Grounders.

"We don't have the manpower to send out two rescue missions and protect our camp." Abby argues back and I lay my hand on Bellamy's arm as he sighs agitated.

I glare slightly at Abby and shake my head. Of course we can waste time finding the important people of the Ark, but not the delinquents who they sent down here in the first place.

"Listen, I know you might not think they are important, but they are our people too. They're in trouble and we need to help them." I step forward and try to convince the stand in Chancellor.

"I know you think this is unfair," She gives me a look and turns to Clarke. "But our priority has to be with Chancellor Kane if there is any hope for peace."

Clarke shakes her head angrily, "If you wanted peace, you shouldn't have killed the only Grounder who was gonna help us!"

"I'm sorry. The decisions been made." I watch as she turns her back and steps to walk away. Bellamy suddenly steps forward, but before i can stop him his speech begins.

"You're sorry? Finn and Murphy are out there for your daughter with the guns you gave us. And now she's home. You're just going to abandon them?" I nod my head and raise an eyebrow as I watch Abby.

Again I step forward and stand next to Bellamy, "Listen, we know the way around here better than anyone. We have maps and we can do this ourselves,"

Abby quickly marches forward to Clarke and I notice the small look of fear in her eyes. I try to not get angry knowing the fear she feels is from the thought of losing her daughter once again.

"No, absolutely not! I just got you back!" She stares at Clarke and I step back knowing she will never let us willingly go.

"Abby! I'm sorry, but we need you in medical." The younger guy from when I woke up told Abby as he rushes in.

"You better go," Clarke shrugs and I feel the tension build in the room.

"Byrne," I watch as the guard standing a few feet away looks up at her name. "No one leaves this camp." Abby turns and leaves to Medical.

Clarke turns around and I look between her and Bellamy, "So, are we leaving now? Because we are probably going to need some guns."

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