twenty two

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I try to keep my breathing as slow and quiet as possible in case there were any other unwanted guests around. We had decided getting inside one of the abandoned cars would be the best hiding place.

"He's a reaper," I look up at the sound of Octavia's confused voice. "How's that even possible. He looked right through me."

I feel her hurt and I lay my hand on hers carefully. I jump when I see Lincoln round the corner and stand in front of the car window. "Can he see us?" I ask as low as I can hoping to not grab his attention.

I can feel us all shaking nervously as he continues to stare at the glass, but that's when I notice something different. He almost looked angry or disgusted with himself.

"I don't think he can." Bellamy says and I nod in agreement. Suddenly Lincoln hits the glass before turning away and leaving.

Both Bellamy and I notice the distraught look on Octavia's face, "Sh, listen to me. Look we'll get him back, I promise." The next few minutes seem to drag on, but all too quickly I am pushing open the metal car door and stepping out.

As soon as I have both feet on the ground I raise my gun and look around us for any danger. Bellamy silently shuts the door as I turn to Octavia, "Are you ready?"

Her eyes meet mine and we both let the silence past between us before she gives me one strong nod. "Okay, draw him in and we'll do the rest."

As me and Bellamy step back behind the vehicle she continues forward into the open area. "Lincoln?" I shiver slightly as her voice echos around us. "Lincoln, can you hear me?"

A noise from a few feet away startles her and she turns in that direction. As I see him stumble forward I raise my gun and follow Bellamy out.

"I'm sorry," I hear Octavia mutter before he raises the electric metal weapon and zaps Lincoln in the neck bringing him to the ground.


I sit with my back against the metal wall as we wait for Clarke to arrive. Our plan was to bring Lincoln to the drop ship, tie him up, and then try to cure him of Reaper disease. I lean my head on Bellamy's shoulder and sigh deeply.

Dragging Lincoln's body through the woods all the way here was no easy task. I sit up straight when the hatch starts to open and I see blonde hair emerging from it. As Clarke climbs up Lincoln rushes forward and growls at her.

Fortunately, the restraints hold him back from doing any damage. Clarke jumps back at the sight of him, "It's okay, he's been restrained." Bell tells her as we all look at his blood covered face.

Clarke shakes her head lightly, "I can't believe we're back here." I think back to when we first found out that there were other people living on Earth when for so long we believed the complete opposite. It is almost chilling to think that months ago we were standing in this same place with Lincoln tied up and bloody, but for completely different reasons.

"Can you help him?"Octavia asks quietly and I feel my heart break at the sadness in her voice. Lincoln lets out a low groan growl noise as Clarke watches him. "I don't know," She steps forward slightly getting a better look at him. "I knew Mount Weather controlled the Reapers. I had no idea they were creating them."

"If they can do that to Lincoln, what are they doing to our friends?" Bellamy sighs and I look down before answering solemnly. "You don't even want to know."

Lincoln continues to yell and pull on his restraints trying to get to us. I want the metal clips holding him in place and my stomach twists at the thought of them snapping. "He's convulsing." Clarke states and I notice the almost confused look on her face.

"So, what does that mean?" Octavia asks worriedly as she holds the flash up looking between Clarke and Lincoln.

Clarke moves closer without answering and points to the blood seeping from Lincoln's wound, "What happened to his leg?" Suddenly both Octavia and Bellamy turn to me before Clarke does the same.

"I shot him. He went after Octavia." I notice fresh tears in Octavia's eyes as she nods her head lightly. "He's also lost a lot of blood."

She nods and steps closer again trying to examine him further, but he leans forward and bares his teeth at her making her jump back. I hear the metal clips bang against the wall as he pulls against them again, but they look as sturdy as before.

I see her squint looking at something particular before talking, "Can you shine the light on his neck?" I notice fresh and old blood on his neck and small circular open wounds there.

I step closer next to Clarke and take the opportunity to get a better look while Lincoln is turned away from the light.

"Needle marks." I mutter, but Clarke must have heard me because she nods and looks back at them. I move even closer trying to see how many times he has been stabbed with the needle.

"You think he's been drugged?" Bellamy asks.

"Maybe-" Clarke is suddenly cut off as Lincoln jolts forward one more time, but this time the metal clasp holding him back snaps. I yell as his hand grips my neck pulling my closer.

"Elena!" I hear Clarke's voice as she grabs my arm trying to yank me back. I scratch at Lincolns hand trying to make him release my neck. I gasp harshly trying to get some air to reach my lungs with no luck.

Yeah, Elena those clips were so sturdy.

I grunt and hit his chest as Octavia yells his name, but he just shoves her back onto the floor. I watch as Bellamy starts to hit his arms repeatedly, but this just angers him before he head buts Bellamy and throws him to the ground.

I feel water gather in my eyes and my face become red from the lack of air and I continue to hit him anywhere I can hoping he will let go. I think quickly and reach forward to stick my finger into the needle wounds on his neck and he yells before tossing my body to the ground like the others.

I land on my back and quickly take the deepest breath I can. I watch as he brakes the other rope holding back his arm and lands on his stomach trying to crawl towards us. Thankfully his feet are secured and he can't get to any of us.

Or he couldn't until Bellamy grabs the electric stick and opens it before rushing towards Lincoln. He almost zaps him, but Lincoln dodges it just in time before punching Bellamy in the face. I watch as he throws him down and continues to punch him.

"Bellamy!" My voice is raspy, but I don't let it discourage me from getting up to my feet. I grab the weapon Bell dropped and raise it quickly before slamming it down on Lincoln's back. He reaches up to grab me, but before he can another piece of metal is swung and hits him in the head knocking him unconscious.

I look up and see Octavia holding a metal pipe out of breathe and I nod thankfully at her. The room is finally silent beside the heavy and exhausted breathing from the four of us.

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