twenty six

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"Please, you don't have to do this," Clarke slowly steps towards the leader of the group.

She gives Clarke a cold look before speaking, "You lied. And you're out of time."

I watch as Abby stares between the two girls, but then her eyes fall on Lincoln's body. She clenches her fist around the metal tazer she carries and I wonder what she is thinking. She suddenly moves over and lays the weapon on Lincoln's chest and zaps him. I watch silently, waiting for some type of response. If Abby can hit him in the right spot, she might be able to restart his heart.

"Hit him again," The metal met with his chest again and seconds after, a gasp of air left his mouth. I sighed heavily as I watch Lincoln's eyes open slightly. Octavia falls on the ground next to his body and lays her hands on his chest.

I move slightly closer, worried that he might not be the Lincoln we all know. "Lincoln?"

I watch as his eyes meet hers and before he could even say anything I know that he is back. His eyes were no longer crazed and clouded, but lively and focused on Octavia's face.

"Octavia," She sighs and a tear leaves her eye as she pulls her body closer to his own. I look over to the leader and watch as she sheaths her sword.


"They want Finn," Clarke looks painfully at her mother before turning to the rest of them. "If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn."

I feel myself get angered knowing that they weren't just going to teach Finn a life lesson.

They will kill him.

"No way. There has to be another way," I shake my head. There's no doubt that what Finn did was horribly wrong, but he wasn't in the right state of mind. He didn't know what he was doing.

"That's their offer."

"That's not an offer." Raven scoffs looking even more angered than I am. I notice the look of pure disbelief on her face.

"It's punishment. For what happened at the village. Blood for blood." Finn explains and I worry about how calm he is reacting.

"If we refuse?" Abby looks over to Clarke hoping for an uplifting answer, but definitely not receiving one.

"They attack."

A voice from within the growing crowd around us speaks up, "I say we give him up! Get rid of him."

"Easy, people." Byrne, the head of guard, calls out while trying to calm the crowd. I start to grow tense as more shouts rise and people begin to move closer.

"Give him to the Grounders!"

Raven shoves back a man as he intimidatingly moves towards Finn, "Back off!"

I move between them and place my hands on Raven's shoulders. I lightly push her away, trying to keep her calm, "Hey, Raven, Raven. Raven, listen to me. Nothing is gonna happen to him. I promise, ok? You and Clarke are going to protect him and he will be safe."

She stares at me silently for a minute before lightly nodding. I try to give her a hopeful look, but a man distracts her.

"I'm not dying for him. Spacewalker burned 3 months of oxygen from the Ark. He should've floated a long time ago. Throw him out!"

"Back off!" Raven shoves him back even harder before the Byrne moves in and grabs her roughly.

"Stop, Reyes!"

I yank back Byrne as she tries to roughly move Raven. Raven then turns and punches Byrne in the face, "Let me go!"

Guards then move forward and grab her arms holding her back. I notice one twist Raven's arm back to keep her from resisting.

"Hey, watch it!" I yell and then I'm shoved forward into another guard. His hands land roughly against my shoulders and I react on instinct. My fist meets his face then I'm pulled back by multiple people.

"Get them out of here! Lock them up!"

I struggle to get free, but it's no use. I see Bellamy's face grow angry and he tries to get through the crowd of people to me.

I'm dragged away from the rest of the people and I look over to Raven. I notice her irritated expression and I can only assume I wear a matching one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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