twenty one

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"Get inside!" I yell one last time before the fog completely covers the last guard that waited to long to follow us. I sigh angrily and help Bellamy pull the hatch closed. We both turn away and find nothing but darkness behind us. The guard, Scott, turns on his flashlight and I follow his lead getting out my own.

"Let's go," Bellamy says as we start to trek through the darkness.

I start to look around and notice what I'm pretty sure are cars. There are dozens of them and each is covered and mountains of dust and dirt. I'm guessing none of them run anymore.

"Where are we?" One of the guards asks as he uses his flashlight to search around us.

"Looks like a garage," I share a look with Bellamy before I not slightly to Scott. "Look I'm sorry about your man, but we need to find an access door to Mount Weather."

"Hey, not so fast." I see his hand slowly inch towards his gun and I feel my pulse quicken with it.

"Sir, that fog will keep us pinned down for another-" Bellamy stops as the guard pulls out his gun. I take a step closer ready to knock this guy out, but what he says next surprises me.

"We'll split up. Meet back here in 15," Even though he hides it I see the surprise on Bellamy's face as he takes the gun. "Be safe."

I move to follow him closely and he holds the gun down ready to shoot if needed. We move further into the darkness. Even with our flashlights I'm not able to see much. I move around the light until I catch a door in the distance.

"Over here." I call out and both Octavia and Bellamy rush over. I reach over to try and open it when I yell in the distance catches my attention.

Octavia turns in the direction it came from as well and we all share a look before going after it. I feel my eyebrows pull together in confusion when I hear some type of music playing from within the darkness in front of us.

"What is that?" I ask quietly as we move closer. I grip the knife in my hand harder as we get closer.

"I have no idea." Octavia whispers, but it sounds loud as it carries out around us.

We crouch down by the front of a car and I shine my light ahead trying to find the source of the noise or at least one of the two guards.

"Scott? Are you there?" Bellamy's voice rings out around us, but we get no response besides the continuous music.

We move forward together once again, but this time we remain crouched. I catch something on the ground and point over to it before we start to head that way. As we get closer I notice the guard's rifle sitting on the concrete ground next to a small box which was playing the music.

This can't be good.

Bellamy puts the smaller gun away before grabbing the rifle and using the light to look around once again. He moves it over to the right and I jump when I see two reapers leaning over one of the guards body.

Our light catches their attention and they immediately jump up and start to run at us. Bellamy shoots both of them multiple times before they drop to the ground.

"Elena.." I look up and notice Bellamy holding out the handgun he took before. I slide it out of hand and hold it out in front of me. We only look over once more before seeing one more Reaper eating the body of the other guard.


I raise the gun and as I'm about to pull the trigger a hand on my arm stops me, "Don't shoot. It's Lincoln."

I look closer and I see the familiar face of Lincoln. Although he was nowhere near the same person he was last time I saw him.

"Lincoln..its me. Octavia," She steps closer, but as quick as light Lincoln jumps up and shoves her against a car.

Without thinking I shoot his shoulder and he turns to me, but before he moves Bellamy uses the but of his gun to knock him unconscious.

I rush over and help Octavia up off the ground and then Bellamy grabs my hand as we rush off, "Come on, we've got to get somewhere safe."

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