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"No, no, no," Clarke starts to pace backwards as the Reapers come pouring in from every angle. There was no magic escape or superhero coming to save us. We both start to back towards the stone wall and I move myself partially in front of Clarke.

"Please.." Her voice is broken and weak making me close my eyes for a few seconds. I know I will regret the choices I am about to make, but the pain in my knee has almost returned completely and the grief in my heart is eating me away.

I feel everything, including the gratitude and care I have for the terrified girl behind me.

"Clarke," Her name is quiet as it leaves my lips and I feel her hands tighten around my arm. "I'm going to run and they are going to follow me. You need to get out of here. If one of us is going to be able to save our people..its you." I see her eyes widen as they stare at me shocked, but before she can argue I push myself forward and through the mass of dirty Reapers.

I feel rough hands grab onto my skin, pulling and pushing as I try to move away. I look back to see Clarke slowly moving away and I nod quickly, letting her know it's okay.

I close my eyes, ready to be torn apart before a high pitch wailing rips through the screams and grunts of the things around me. Suddenly all the hands yanking at my body disappear and all the Reapers fall to the ground.

"Get back! Get the hell away from her!" Two men come racing out of the darkness and I feel my pulse raise as I notice their hazmat suites. "Clarke and Elena, you're coming with us."


I hiss in pain as we continue to walk closer and closer to a metal door. I ignore the hand gripping my upper arm and try not to focus on the pain eluding from my knee. Or the amount of pain I will face when I'm forced back into the mountain of hell.

"I saw everything. I know what you're doing to them." My eyes widen at Clarke's voice and I give her a look. Why would she think that would help?!

"That's why you're going in the harvest chamber with them," The man's voice is muffled by the gas mask on his face, but the look of fear on Clarke's makes it obvious she heard him. "Alpha Delta Two, we reached the intake. Two prisoners in custody."

A small, but angered voice responds through the speaker next to the door, "Your mission was to bring back all three of them. The outsider cannot be allowed to leave this mountain. Alpha Delta One is coming out now."

As soon as the voice stops a shriek is followed by it, but instead of coming from the speaker it comes from behind us. I turn quickly to see Anya punching one the men in the stomach. I quickly race over and rip his mask off his face and watch as he falls the ground gasping for air. Clarke does the same with the remaining guard and we all take off.

"I found the way out, this way!" I start to follow the two, but something metal hits my foot and stops me. I look down to see one of the guard's guns and quickly reach down and grab it. A beep sounds behind me and I see the door beginning to open before I race off to follow Clarke and Anya.

I try to control the air leaving my lungs and ignore the heavy footsteps behind me. I feel a short lived relief when sunlight starts to make an appearance. My feet stop short though as I find myself looking over a waterfall of some kind.

"There has to be another way!" Clarke yells staring at the hundreds of feet below us.

"There isn't! You've got to jump!" I continue to stare at the water as it rushes below us. One thing about growing up in space- you never learn to swim.

I look back to see the guards walking towards us slowly and I step back slightly as Anya dives off the edge. I watch Clarke as she debates her choices, but I know what I have to chose. I hand her the gun in my hand and she looks at me with wide eyes.

"I can't go back. You don't understand what they did..." I shake my head and reach into my pocket taking out one of the three syringes before stabbing it into my skin.

"What are you doing?!" Clarke steps towards me, but I ignore her as everything fades away.

"Turning it off.." I mutter and close my eyes before I slowly fall over the edge. My entire body goes numb as the air races around me. I quickly descend into the blue water, but the last thing I see is the glowing yellow sun in sky above me.

Rebuilt ➳ Bellamy Blake [2] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now