twenty five

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"Oh, thank god. Where's Clarke?" Octavia asks as Finn appears from the lower floor of the dropship. I stand up as well and wait for Clarke to follow in behind him.

Instead, Abby comes in next and a take a step back when I see her walk in. She looks between the three of us before moving over to Lincoln.

She looks at a few things before speaking, "Pupils are unresponsive,"

Octavia looks at me worriedly and I try to give her a convincing smile.

"Tie off his arm, tight as you can. Thanks to the supplies your brother found he might have a chance at surviving."

I hand over the piece of tubing to Octavia and she quickly ties it around Lincoln's upper arm.

Abby fills a syringe with a clear liquid and I look at her confused, "What is that?"

"It'll help bring his fever down," She moves to stick his arm with the medicine, but he suddenly moves and starts grunting, making Abby pull back.

I rush over as she yells to hold him down. I push his arm down trying to keep him still enough for her to inject him. His body starts seizing once again and I look at Abby nervously.

I watch as he stops moving completely, his head falling back to the floor. "What's happening? Why isn't it working?" Octavia's voice calls out.

"His heart stopped," She climbs over him and starts to push compressions on his chest trying to jumpstart his heart.

Having no idea what to do to help, I wait for something to happen.

Abby looks up at Nyko before talking, "You're their healer? Tilt his head back. Pull his chin down to open his airway."

I stand up and step back to stand next to Bellamy. With every few pumps Abby continues to attempt to get his heart going.

I wrap my hand around Bellamy's arm feeling my own hope slip away.

Abby stops moving, but doesn't look up from Lincoln.

"You stopped. What's wrong?" Octavia asks quickly and I look at her sadly.

"I'm sorry....he's gone."

Octavia jumps up and leans over Lincoln, "No, you're wrong." She starts to pump his chest again.

I reach over and lay my hand gently on her back as her sobs ring throughout the room.

I look over as Clarke emerges from the hatch. I notice the worried look on her face and I watch as she exchanges looks with Abby.

Soon two other female grounder a enter the sullen room and I can almost feel the nerves coming from everyone.

The younger looking girl covered in war paint and furs stares takes one look at Lincoln's body before staring at Clarke challengingly.

I turn my head slightly and catch Bellamy slowly reaching for the fun at his feet.

She turns to the other dark skinned grounder before nodding the slightest bit. I move away as everyone arms themselves and the conflict ahead reveals itself. Instead of getting a weapon myself I move closer to offer Octavia the best comfort I can.

"Kill them all,"

I glare at the woman as she holds a knife out dangerously in front of my people. Only if she knew the people she was trying to kill wouldn't back down easily.

Rebuilt ➳ Bellamy Blake [2] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now