Chapter 1

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I was standing in front of my mirror, inspecting my petite figure and smoothed all the folds out of my clothes. I was wearing light blue ripped jeans with a simple white sweater and my black Clarks. I tied my hair in a messy bun, grabbed my reading glasses and threw them in my bag. Today was a special day, because school was starting again. I actually didn't mind going to school again, most of the teachers like me and I like them as well. I like to learn and most of all I like, no, I love English literature. I can get lost in a book, I can free my imagination on a story that's just a combination of 26 letters, over and over again. But I guess that's the art if writing, you have to touch people with the 26 letters you have. Nothing more, nothing less. I have to admit some people are damn good at it, and even though I practised so much, I would never be able to write and touch people as good as Shakespeare, or Faulkner, or Harper Lee. My English teacher would always help me with my stories, my imagination and my creativity, but with great sorrow of many students, the man had retired. He was old, he had to take care of his sick wife, and after 45 faithful years of teaching at Rosewood High, it was time for the poor man to go and enjoy his old days.

I was actually really nervous to meet my new English teacher, I was nervous what he was gonna think of me and my work. The whole school knows how much I love to write, the whole school knows how much I love art, the whole school knows I'm reading books like a maniac, and the whole school seems to approve it. It is not a thing most teenagers do, but the people in my school accept I'm different. They accept I'd rather sit on my couch, wrapped in a blanket with a nice cup of chcolate milk and a good book than losing my V-card while I'm drunk at a party of someone I don't know.

I threw my books in my bag, walked downstairs, grabbed a banana and walked to my car. Mike was still asleep because he was still free from school, and so was Nelly, our sweet and loving housekeeper. She is also a little like a mother to me and Mike. After we lost our parents a few years ago things changed for us, and Nelly was always there for us. She cooked for us, she looked out for us, she sang lullabies if we couldn't sleep, she even adopted us after our parents died. Yeah, Nelly really was like a mother to us.

I drove to school, loudly singing to Taylor Swift and Beyonce, not bothering if anyone could hear me. When I pulled up on the school's parking lot I already saw Hanna, Emily, Spencer and Alison waiting for me. Those four girls were my best friends ever.

Spencer completely understood my love for English literature and Art, when Alison would always be the one who I shared everything with. She knew, with the movement of my brow, exactly what I wast thinking. With Emily, I could have the most deep and meaningful conversations, she could talk and give advice like no other girl ever could. Hanna was the one for the clothes. She always knows the latest trends and always helped me with what to wear. I also had the most inside jokes with the girl, we could laugh our butts off when we were with each other.

"Aria! You made it!" Spencer yelled when I stepped out of my car and walked over to her to hug her

"Of course I made it, wouldn't want to miss the first English book of course!" I winked

"Eww Aria, you sound like a total nerd now" Ali groaned and gave me a hug

"I know, but I couldn't care less" I chuckled and walked over to Emily

"But you're our tiny nerd, and we love you" Emily smiled and hugged me

"I love you too Em" I smiled and walked over to Hanna

"I heard our new English teacher is pretty hot stuff, surely you're gotta spend much time with him" Hanna smirked

"Ooh, I don't need that, I've got my own hot stuff" I smirked

"YOU DO?!" They all yelled in unison

"Yeah, haven't I told you that?"

"No! Aria Montgomery, you little flirt" Ali grinned

"Who is the lucky one?" Spencer screeched

"Well, there he is" I smirked and two seconds later I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey babe" He smiled and I turned around so he could press a kiss against my lips

"Noel Kahn?!" Hanna yelled and then Noel looked up at her

"Hey Marin, where's your loverboy?" Noel smiled

"Ugh, Sean broke up with me last week... Hashtag still not over him!" Hanna sighed

"Come on Han, focus on hot stuff English now, you will get over Noel" Emily said and laid her hand on Hanna's shoulder. Hanna looked down to the ground like a lost puppy but as soon as se heard 'hot stuff' her eyes shot up and her lips curled into a naughty grin.

"Ohh, I will, I promise I will" She said

"Talking about English, we have to go now or we'll be late on our first school day" Spencer said so we all walked to class. Lucky for us, we all had this class together.

"Go ahead, I have to go to the toilet" I said and Noel nodded. They walked to class while I sneaked my way to the teachers coffee machine. No life without coffee right? I quickly took a sip from the hot liquid and turned around before a teacher would notice me, but just when I wanted to walk away I bumped into someone and spilled all my hot coffee over him and over myself.

"Holy shit" I cursed under my breath and dropped my -now empty- cup of coffee. "This burns like hell" I mumbled and rushed to the tap. When my hand was cooled down a little bit I looked up saw a young man on his knees, wiping the coffee off the ground with a paper towel. He looked too old to be a senior, but too young to be a teacher. Guess he was just late or something.

"Looks like I'm not the only one stealing teachers coffee uh?" I asked him and when he looked up a little dark brown curl fell in front of his eye.

"That's not up to me to answer" He said and continued to clean

"I really appreciate your help, but I really have to go now! I don't want to leave a bad impression on my teacher and he's gonna be pissssssed if I'll be late on my first day" I said and rushed to the door, trying to avoid an awkward moment.

"Go, I'll clean this for you" he mumbled so I walked out of the door, grabbed my reading glasses and looked for my classroom. When I got there I quickly opened the door but to my amazement the teacher wasn't here yet.

"Guess it's my lucky day" I shrugged and dropped myself on a seat next to Noel.

"It is, because I'm here" he smirked and touched my nose with his index finger

"Cheesy Kahn, cheesy" I chuckled and stuck my tongue out. Suddenly the teacher came in and without saying anything he turned to the whiteboard and started to write his name down.

"Hello class, Sorry I'm late but I had a little accident, my name is mister Fitz and I'm gonna be your AP English teacher for the year" he said and when he finally looked up a little dark brown curl fell in front of his eye.



Hello there! Welcome to my new book! I hope you liked the first chapter!


This was more like an introduction, more stuff is coming up 😏😏😏

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