Chapter 43

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"I'm coming home"

"You, you what?!" I said and a big smile appeared on my face

"I'm coming home! Ezra, I'm coming home!" She laughed and hugged me even tighter

"You're not kidding right?"

"No! No of course not! Ezra, I'm coming home!"

"I'm sorry, but I can't believe you! I just can't" I said a little bit confused before Aria grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. "Ar, Ar you can't just leave" I sighed and stopped the girl from walking.

"Ezra?" She asked with a slightly worried voice and turned to face me. "You really don't believe me, do you?"

"Aria..." I started but she just shook her head. Instead of the dissapointed, hurt look I expected to see, I saw a sly smile appear on her face.

"Come on, Brown will convince you"


"Hey Aria, Ezra" Brown smiled as he looked up from his clipboard

"Hey Dereck" Aria said as she dropped herself down in his chair and started to spin around. "He doesn't believe that I can go home"

"Well Ezra, I think I've got some pretty good news for you then" Brown smiled. "She's coming home"

From that moment everything and everyone in the room went silent. I couldn't believe my ears. Aria was coming home.

"Look at his face!" Aria giggled and Brown smirked at me.

"You didn't expect that one, did you?"

"No, no not at all" I gasped

"I think he's the one who needs mental help now" Aria laughed

"Well, it's the truth. In a week her therapy sessions are over and you can take the girl with you" Brown smirked and wiggled his brows.

"Dereck!" Aria said and let out an awkward laugh

"Oh come on, you're a teenage girl!"

"Bye Brown!" Aria chuckled as I followed her out of the room

"You're coming home" I wishpered

"I am back"


1 week later

"Aria, why don't you go and take your stuff?" Brown asked. I was currently standing in his office with Aria, talking about everything that was gonna happen now. Brown frowned at Aria and she nodded and left the room.

"She's healthy" I mumbled



"No, she's not healthy"

"B- but she's so happy! Right?" I exclaimed

"She is, but happy and healthy aren't the same thing" Brown sighed. "She is this happy because we gave her stronger antidepressants" he explained.


"Hey, don't worry" Brown said as I let my head down. "Also because she had some really good talk with her therapists, and with you"

"With me?"

"Aria told me that you saved her, that you tried to make her feel better, and that it actually worked. She may not have said it, or showed it, but the words you spoke really helped her. She just wasn't able to puzzle all the pieces together by herself"

"That's great" I smiled. Suddenly I felt two small arms wrap around my body.

"It's me!" Aria smiled and let go of the embrace. "Let's go home" she said as she grabbed her suitcase and walked towards Brown.

"Thank you, thank you so much" she said and gave the man a quick hug.

"It was nice meeting you Aria, I'll see you again in a month for your check up. Untill then, don't forget your medicine!" He said and Aria nodded. "And hold that boy close, he's a keeper" Brown asked and winked at me, while I let an awkward cough.

"Don't worry, I will" Aria said and smiled at me

"Ready to go home?"

"I think so"


Aria had gathered her stuff and we stood in front of the door. The door that would set her free, the door that would make her -us- happy again.

"Ezra" Aria sighed when I wanted to open the door.

"What is it, love?"

"Do you still like me?" she asked and looked me in the eyes

"Of course Aria" I said and pressed a quick kiss on her forehead before I turned to open the door again.

"No, I mean, do you still like me" she asked and looked me in my eyes with fear.

"Aria!" I gasped and grabbed both of her shoulders before I brushed a strand piece of hair out of her face. I saw a salty tear form in the corner of her eye as she struggled to hold in a spob. "Of course I like you! I wouldn't be standing here if I didn't. I like you so damn much I'm aching to hear your voice for over two months now. I like, no love, you so damn much I'm gonna show the world what a precious, strong girl you are" I said and pulled her into a hug. I felt her sob against my chest as she grabbed my shirt. Those moodswings though. "Hey, hey it's okay!" I said and brushed her hair and opened the door. "Let's go home"

I walked outside and Aria followed me. She gasped as she took the first step outside, and roamed her eyes around the area.

"I'm outside" she smiled and made a pirouette. "I'm outside!"

"Yeah, yeah you are" I laughed at the girl who was spinning around like a little girl

"I'm free!" She laughed and before I knew it she jumped in my arms. I spun her around and pressed a kiss on her cheek

"You're adorable" I smiled and walked to the car. "Ready to go?"



I was driving the car, and every once in a while I shot a glare towards Aria. The girl was absent-minded humming to a song and staring out of the little car window. I still just couldn't believe she was back. She was happy, and she was with me.

Before I knew it I pulled up in front of her house and Aria gave me a confused look.

"What are you doing?"


"Just like I'm asking, what are you doing?"

"I'm taking you home" I smiled and wanted to open the car but Aria stopped me

"Well, keep driving then"

"What do you mean?"

"This is not my home" She said

"Ar, this is your home"

"No, home is with you"

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