Chapter 17

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"Maybe two or three weeks" She mumbled before she drifted away.

I felt her wrist for her pulse and inspected her breathing, but everything seemed fine so I let her rest on the couch. I just wanted to walk to the fridge when someone knocked on the door. I opened it to expose a worried Hanna.

"Is she here, how is she?" she rambled a little bit out of breath. She had a large cut from her cheekbone to her mouth and a little bit blood was still streaming down.

"Hanna! Come in, what happened to your face?" I asked and gestured to a chair

"Let's just say Noel didn't agree" she sighed and walked towards Aria. "What is going on with her" She asked and looked at me.

"I don't know Hanna.. But Noel, what is wrong with him?!" I asked a little but frustrated

"Just ignore him, he's crazy. He doesn't deserve Aria" Hanna said as she brushed the hair out of her friends face.

"True." I sighed "I'm gonna grab some food for us, I'll be right back" I said and walked towards the fridge to grab some food for the heavily underfed Aria. When I came back I saw Aria was awake and both her and Hanna had red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked and Hanna smiled and nodded.

"Actually, I have to go, get well soon my little dork" Hanna said, pressed a kiss against Aria's forehead and walked out of the door. I walked towards Aria and knelt down so I was eye level with her.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked and brushed my hand up and down her arm.

"I don't know.."

" I got you some food. I hope you eat vending machine food" I chuckled and handed her the sandwich.

"Thanks Fitz, but I'm not hungry" she chuckled and gently declined my offer

"Aria" I said in a warning voice but she gave me a confused look. "You need to eat Aria"

"I'm serious, I'm not hungry"

"Aria, you told me about it. You need to eat"

"Told what?" she asked and nervousally scratched her already chipped pink nail polish

"That you aren't eating"

"I was joking"

"You said two or three"

"What? Minutes? Hours? Days?"

"Weeks. Aria, don't even try to deny this. Please eat, I'm concerned" I said and looked her in her eyes where tears were forming. "It's okay Aria, I'm glad you told me. I will help you with this" I said and suddenly she threw herself in my arms and broke down in sobs.

"It wasn't my choice" she sobbed and grabbed onto my white button up shirt.

"I know Aria, shhh, calm down" I wishpered and wrapped my arms around her tiny body. She suddenly looked up at me and a small smile crept onto her face.

"Thank you Ezra"


Here I was, safe in Ezra's arms. The only thing I could think about was that he knows about me and Noel. He knows what Noel does to me.

"You don't have to worry about it" Ezra wishpered and suddenly, with no warning he pressed a kiss on top of my head. I looked up at him and saw he had a little smile on his face. Without thinking I nuzzled my head in his chest and let myself drift to sleep again.


I woke up later that day, a little bit confused about where I was. I opened my eyes and saw I was still resting in Ezra's lap.

"Hey, how are you?" Ezra asked and helped me sit up. "You must still eat your sandwich by the way" he said and handed me my sandwich again. I took a bite of the sandwich but spit it out as soon as I had it in my mouth.

"I can't" I mumbled and saw it was already 5PM. "Oh my, I have to go!" I yelled, jumped up and grabbed my phone.

Missed calls:

Noel Kahn, 7 missed calls

"Wait Aria, please eat your sandwich"

"Forget about it Fitz, forget everything I said today" I said, grabbed my coat and ran outside to leave a utterly confused Fitz in his office.


"Finally, you're here" Noel said and grabbed my arm

"Well hello, good evening and yes I feel better thanks for asking"

"No one cares" Noel laughed and grabbed himself a bottle of beer

"Aww, I feel loved now, thank you"

"Great. We need to talk"

"Yes we do" I groaned and sat down on the couch.

"Shut up you annoying piece of shit"

"I feel flattered" I sighed. "What the hell did you do to Hanna today?'

"Don't pretend like you care"

"Unlike you, I do care about my friends!"

"Okay. Now get in the car, we're going for a little ride"


"GET IN THE CAR!" Noel spit in my face and squeezed my arm. I let a gasp in pain but before I could do anything else I felt a hard fist against my cheek and for the second time today everything went black.


I woke up by a loud bang and when I opened my eyes I saw I was in a car, with Noel. I had a pounding headache and one eye was black.

"Good, you're awake. Just in time" he smirked

"What are we doing?" I groaned and rubbed the palm of my hand to my head.

"Getting married"

"Ha ha. Very funny"

"You think this is some kind of joke? Soon you'll be Mrs. Kahn" Noel laughed

"WHAT?!" I screamed but Noel just laughed

"You love me right? Just be happy I do this for you ungrateful little bitch"

"I don't want this! Why are you doing this?!" I yelled and tried to get out of the car but it was locked

"You've got money, Miss Montgomery"

"Nelly does! Not me! And you need her permission! I'm freaking 16 years old! LET ME GO!"

"Ooh poor Aria, I will take care of the Nelly problem. Trust me" Noel laughed and pulled up at the parking lot.

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