Chapter 32

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"It's over Ezra, it's really over"

I had my body still tangled up in his arms as I sobbed uncontrobally in his chest. He had one arm wrapped around my petite waist and the other was brushing my hair as he was wishpering soothing words in my ear.

"It's okay Aria, you're safe now, it's okay" Ezra wishpered before he put me down on the ground. He wrapped his arm around my waist to prevent me from falling and walked through the door. "Nelly is waiting for you" He said  before he turned around the corner. I cluched my arms around his and my big eyes shot from left to right, like a deer afraid to be attacked. We walked to the parking lot where I saw Nelly standing in front of the car, fumbling with her car keys. As soon as she saw me she dropped the keys and opened her arms.

"Oh Aria, oh my little girl" she spoke before Ezra unwrapped his arm from my waist and Nelly took me over. I couldn't stop crying though, and now that I was out of Ezra's safe embrace I only felt weaker. Nelly had good intentions, but only the feeling that I wasn't with Ezra made me uncomfortable, it made me anxious, even though I had not a single idea why. Nelly pressed a kiss on top of my head and let go of my body. I instantly crawled back in Ezra's embrace and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Go home with Nelly, I'll be alright" Ezra smiled

"Will you come with me, please?" I begged and Ezra shook his shoulders.

"I will do anything for you"

"I know, you proved that once again today"


Ezra, Nelly and I were sitting in the car. Nelly was driving while Ezra was sitting on the backseat, with my head resting in his lap. I couldn't control myself, I couldn't control my sobbing, this was all just too much for me.

"Here, take this" Ezra said and handed me two small, oval objects.

"What's that?"

"Just some candy, don't worry" Ezra said as he continued caressing my hair. I swallowed the two tiny pills and instantly noticed tey weren't just some sweets as my eyes started to feel heavy.

"Ezra, this wasn't candy, was it?" I asked with all the energy I had left.

"Sleep well, pretty face" he smiled and a few seconds later I fell into a peaceful slumber.


I woke up later that day, in my own bed. I didn't want to be here. Although the stains were cleaned from the sheets and there was no more blood on the nightstand, I didn't feel safe. I felt naked, and I felt vunerable. I felt naked. It was only now I saw Natalia sitting in the old chair that was situated in the corner of the room. As soon as she saw I was awake, she lifted her glasses from her face and walked towards me.

"Aria, you're awake" she smiled and sat down next to me at the little empty space on my bed.

"Ezra" I whimpered, and soon my whole body began to shake.

"Ssh, calm down"

"Where's Ezra" I said with a shaky voice and looked Natalia in her eyes. I could see she was a little tacken aback when I did. Maybe because she saw the fear, or the hate against Noel, or the insecurity for what was gonna come.

"He's at home sweety, he'll come back later today" Natalia said and grabbed my hand, but I yanked it away. "Aria, don't be so afraid , don't be so scared, Noel is gone now!" She said quietly and brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"I can't, I can't do that, and I do not want that right now!" I screamed what caused Natalia to jump back a little.

"Aria, shh, calm down, I'm not saying that moment has to be now, but in the end you're gonna feel safe again. You have to feel safe again."

"Then take me to Ezra"



I jumped out of the shower and quickly changed into my jeans along with a white button up shirt. I felt bad for leaving Aria when she was asleep, but there was no way the girl was gonna let me go if she was awake. She's just too afraid she can't do this on her own. She's too afraid I will leave her just like Noel did, that's why she can't let me go. Maybe that sounds selfish, but I think it's the truth.

Just when I was about to make lunch for myself I heard a soft knock on the door. I walked towards it and before I could even ask myself who the hell it was the door bursted open and a heavily sobbing Aria clamped herself to my body like I was gonna leave her forever. Maybe she thought I was, maybe she just needed someone to believe in her.

"Aria, hey" I spoke and pressed a kiss on top of her head before I pulled back from our hug and looked her in her big hazel eyes.

"Hey" she spoke and let a sad smile creep on her face.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

"Better now I'm with you" She said and dropped herself on the couch. I couldn't help but feel my heart make a little jump when she said that. She was getting better, she was talking, smiling, and even when she feels sad I can't help but smile at the fact she was talking, and she isn't hurting herself anymore.

"I'm glad to hear" I smiled and sat down next to her. "You know what is gonna make you happy?" I said and saw the confused expression on her face. "Cupcakes" I smirked and saw a big smile on her face.

"I like your thinking" She said and walked to the kitchen. Before I knew it I was making cupcakes with the girl I loved the most in my kitchen. Seeing her petite body, her eyes so focused on what she was doing, almost like nothing happened. Yeah, I like that.

"Hey Aria" I said and saw her face turn to me. Before she could even do, or say something I grabbed the back of her head and pushed her face in the cake batter.

"EZRA!" She yelled and looked up. Lucky for her, the batter was only sticking to the tip of her nose.

"Aww, you look adorable" I chuckled and before I knew it my face was pushed in the batter and it was dirty and covered with the sticky substance.

"Aww, you look adorable" she chuckled and from then on I couldn't control my own face anymore. I didn't even respond to her, I just stood there grinning at her like an idiot.

"What are you smiling at?" She asked and before I knew it I had my arms wrapped around her.

"Seeing you chuckle, it was just a long time ago I last saw you do that" I said as Aria smiled at me.

"Well lucky for you Romeo, I'm in a good mood now"

"Hey! You have to draw your smiley, come on" I said and led her to the table where I handed her the marker

"Come on Ezra, you can see I'm happy now" she complained

"Just draw a smiley! It's not hard!"

"Ezraaaa" she complained but before she could even say more flipped her over to the couch and pinned her arms against the surface.

"Just draw the damn smiley Aria" I laughed but she shook her head.

"Never!" She laughed

"Ooh, now you're in trouble" I smirked before I began to tickle her. Loud laughs and giggles filled the room and I was more than happy to see the girl who was so broken, so sad, laugh again and having fun.

"EZRA! STOP!" She laughed and I stopped tickling the girl. "I hate you!" She laughed

"No you don't"

"No, I don't " she smiled and pulled me next to her on the couch. She wrapped her arms around me and a big smile was plastered on her face before she spoke. "God, I love you"

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