Chapter 24

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There are no words to describe what happened in Belgium yesterday. I pray for all of you who live there, and for all of you who have suffered/ will suffer from this terrible, cruel event. I hope you are all okay, and your family is okay.

My heart goes out to all of you, and I hope you are safe.


This girl needs help, and I'm gonna take care of it.

As I stood up from the couch to gather all my pillows together and stop the movie, I heard a soft bang coming from my bedroom. I dropped everything I was carrying and rushed to the room where Aria was staying.

Was I thinking about any of my belongings?


Was I afraid Aria had hurt herself again?

Oh yeah.

I barged through the wooden door and found Aria sitting on my bed. As soon as I entered the door her head shot towards me and I saw her eyes had fear in them. They had regret in them.

"I'm sorry" she wishpered as a tear rolled over her cheek. "I'm so sorry" she wishpered one more time before she let down her head and burried it in her hands. I carefully walked towards her and saw what had caused the bang. A photo of me and Jackie was laying on the floor, the frame that was holding it was smashed against the wall, and the glass was scattered in pieces. I bent down and picked the photo from the ground, walked towards Aria, sat down next to her and grabbed her hand.

"Hey, hey it's okay" I wishpered and rubbed a circle on the back of her hand. She looked up and shook her head.

"You keep saying it's okay, but it's not. I keep destroying everything. I'm destroying your life. Don't say it's okay when it's fucking not"

"Then stop saying your worthless when you're fucking not" I replied and Aria was a little surprised by that comment. "I didn't even like this picture you see" I chuckled and looked at Aria who was looking at me, trying her hardest to understand me. "Come with me, I want to show you something" I said and stood up. I pulled her with me, wrapped my arm around her waist and made her walk with me to the fireplace. "Do you see that fire?" I asked and Aria nodded her head. "Take this, burn it" I said, unfolded her clenched fingers and placed the photo in it.

"Isn't this photo valuable to you?"

"Yes, but you're worth more" I said which caused a little, tiny smile on her face.

"Do I see a little smile there?" I smirked but Aria immediately stopped smiling, threw the photo in the fire and curled herself up on the cold floor.

"Aria, stop shutting me out, I don't know what to do anymore, I didn't mean to upset you" I begged but she kept staring at nothing. Lost in her own thoughts. I sighed, wrapped my arms around Aria's body and carried her to my bed. I grabbed a blanket and a pillow, tucked her in and placed one last kiss on her forehead. "It's late, get some sleep" I wishpered as I caressed her hair. I stood up and walked to the living room but looked back one more time before I walked in.

"Please make it through the night, my Aria" I wishpered so she couldn't hear before I walked into the living room and closed the door.


It was late now, really late. 1 AM, 2AM, 3AM, And all that time I was on my laptop, searching for one thing.

Rosewoods best therapists

Before I knew it I had made an appointment with a terapist. Natalia was her name. She would come by tomorrow for Aria. We can do this, we can help her.

Aria can do this.


The next day I woke up at 6AM. God, I had only 2,5 hours of rest after an exhausting day. No matter how tired I was, my mind was with Aria, immediately. I stood up from my couch and quietly walked into my bedroom where Aria was in a peaceful sleep. I watched her for a while, how her wrists were bandaged. How she was so damaged. I walked out of the room, closed the door behind me and walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast for me, and with a little luck for Aria. I made some bacon and eggs and started to eat. After an hour or so I was finished and I had cleaned the kitchen but there was still one plate with food untouched. Aria's plate. I walked to the bedroom where the girl was still sound asleep. I sat down mext to her and I decided to let her sleep because she needs te rest. I grabbed a book and started to read but soon I had forgotten the time because before I knew it I heard the doorbell ring. I looked up to the clock and saw it was already 9AM.

"Crap" I mumbled in myself, threw on a lost hoodie and walked to the door to open it.

"Goodmorning, I'm Natalia" A blonde, middle aged, tall women said as I shook her hand.

"Goodmorning, I'm Ezra.. Come in!" I said and opened the door for her. She dropped herself down on the couch, grabbed her white Ipad out of her bag and started swiping and tapping on the touchscreen.

"So, you called me for Aria Montgomery, right?" The women asked and placed her glasses on her nose.

"Yeah.. Yeah she's still asleep, I'll get her for you" I said and stood up from the couch, but Natalia stopped me.

"No! No just wait for a second, this is the perfect oppertunity to talk to you first." She said. I nodded and sat back down on the leather couch before I rushed my hand through my brown, curly hair. "Why did you call me to help her?"

"Oh well.. Here goes nothing." I mumbled and looked Natalia in her eyes. "She.. She isn't herself anymore. She's depressed, she isn't talking, she shuts everyone out. Me, her mother, her friends, everyone. And on top of that, she tried to kill herself.." I spoke, the last sentence very quietly in case Aria would hear.

"Oh dear, she really needs help. I'm glad you called" Natalia said. "But if I may ask, who are you? Why isn't she with her mother?" The women asked as she looked down on her Ipad. Oh shit, I wasn't prepared for that one.

"Eh" I said and scratched the back of my head. "I'm a friend. I found her and brought her to Hospital, she trusts me" I spoke and Natalia nodded. I think she bought it.

"Okay, thank you, Aria can come now" Natalia said. I nodded, stood up from the couch and walked to my bedroom. Aria was still fast asleep. I knelt down next to her, brushed a stray piece of hair from her face and shook her shoulder.

"Aria, wake up" I wishpered. "Aria wake up" I said louder this time. "There's someone here for you" I said and suddenly she let a loud gasp and her eyes shot open in fear.



And one question, would you like to see the next chapter in Aria's POV?
(That's gonna be a challenge for me. I want to describe her feelings the best I can so it's gonna be tough but for you I will do ANYTHING of course. Please don't blame it on me if it isn't that good (insecurities about my writing woops :,). ))


This would be a typical cliffhanger for movies. They would end like this and we would have to wait for another year to see how it ends (thinking about Mockingjay part 1) SERIOUSLY WHY ARE PEOPLE DOING THAT TO US I CAN'T LIVE WITH A CLIFFHANGER LIKE THAT

This doesn't make any sense but it needed to be said.


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