Chapter 10

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Today was the day. Today was the day I was going to the writers rehersal with Ezra, Noel, and his mysterious girlfriend. I saw her once, but her lips were locked with Fitz's at the moment so I couldn't really see her face. I don't really know what I feel, but everytime I see her I feel that 'thing' in my stomach which I can't really place. Normally I would say it is jealoussy, but that can't. Fitz is my teacher, and I got Noel. I can't feel this way over him, it's just wrong. Really, really wrong.

"Are you excited Aria?" Ezra asked. He was sitting next to me on a wooden chair. We were sitting in his appartment, waiting for his girlfriend and for Noel to come.

"Yeah, I'm a little nervous to be honest" I chuckled and tapped my nails on the table

"But you're feeling a bit better, right?" Fitz asked

"Oh yeah, I'm feeling way better. Guess it were just the nerves" I smiled and suddenly the door opened. A tall, brown haired girl walked in and smiled at us.

"Aria, this is Jackie, my girlfriend" Ezra said. I stood up and shook the girls hand with a big, fake smile on my face.

"Hey, my name is Aria"

"Nice to meet you Aria, I've heard a lot of good things about you!" Ugh. Bitch.

"Well, thank you" I blushed and sat down back on my chair

"Noel has to be here in 5 minutes, otherwise we will be too late." Ezra stated.

"I'm sure he'll come" I smiled and just then my phone rang. "Speaking about the devil"

"Hey Noel, what's wrong?"

"Aria! I'm soo sorry but I don't think I can come to New York!" Noel said

"WHAT?! You promised me Noel!"

"I know, I know but I've got this really important Lacrosse game this Saturday and-"

"And what?! You couldn't tell me earlier?!"

"The coach just called me, I didn't know either! Don't be mad at me!"

"I'll just go alone" I mumbled and hung up the phone. Ezra and Jackie both gave me a questioning look and I just shrugged

"Let's go"

"What about Noel?" Ezra asked

"He isn't coming"

"Aria,'I'm sorry!"

"Don't want to talk about it. Now get your asses in the car" I chuckled.


"Here we are!" Jackie smiled after a long car drive. It wasn't that bad actually, Fitz was really funny and Jackie is, well, okay I guess.

"I'm soo excited!" I screeched and I saw Ezra smiling at me. Damn, that cute smile of his. Stop it Aria, stop it right now.

"Come on girl, let's sign you in!" Ezra said and with that we walked into the big hall. It was truly great. Everywhere were workshops you could attend, you could talk to famous young writers who once were in the exact same position as I was, we could write and get feedback, it was truly amazing.

"I don't even know where to start!" I chuckled

"It's okay, we've got the whole weekend!" Jackie smiled. I walked to the first workshop I saw, which was a workshop creative writing. After I did that, I walked to another stage, and I saw the one and only John Green.

"EZRA! That's JOHN GREEN!" I yelled and ran towards him.

"Hello there young girl, what can I help you with?" He asked politely

"You're like, my alltime favourite writer!" I yelled and he smiled at me.

"Well, time for a selfie then?"

"OH YEAH!" I smiled, grabbed my phone and took a selfie.

"Can I read some of your work?" He asked and I nodded like an idiot. I grabbed my paper and let him read my work.

"It's absolutely amazing Aria, you're an amazing writer!"

"Thank you so much!" I screeched. We talked for a while untill someone else wanted to talk to John so we had to go away.

"I'm starving" Jackie complained after a while

"We can grab lunch?" Ezra asked, and I just nodded. As hungry as I was, I couldn't give in now.  I couldn't be unfaithful to Noel. I promised him.

"Earth to Aria! What do you want to eat?" Jackie chuckled and waved in front of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry.. I don't have to eat anything" I mumbled

"Nothing?! Aria, you can't live on nothing! Two pancakes for the girl!" Ezra ordered and I let out a loud sigh. Ezra and Jackie started talking about how amazing this place was, and apparently Jackie likes to write too. Yaay. After a while we got our food and Ezra and Jackie attacked it like they hadn't eaten in two weeks. I should be the one who eats like that. I played with my food untill Ezra noticed I hadn't had a single bite.

"Eat Aria, we won't laugh at you or something" He said and then I took a tiny bite. After one pancake, I shove my plate away with an extremely guilty feeling. I broke my promise. I ruined it.

"Sorry, I have to use the bathroom" I mumbled, jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I walked to the first toilet I saw and did the thing I thought I would NEVER do. I thought I was too strong for that. Guess I was wrong. I shoved my index finger in my mouth and made myself throw up.


"That was a great day!" Ezra smiled when we walked into the hotel room.

"It really was! Again, thank you for taking me with you!"

"No problem Aria, it's great to have a talented, young writer like you with us" Jackie smiled

"And you ended 9th in the 200! That's amazing!" Ezra said. There was this tiny writers competition and I ended ninth, which was pretty great.

"Thanks! But if you don't mind, I'm heading to bed now.. It's gonna be a busy day tomorrow" I yawned

"Yeah, we too. Goodnight Aria"

"Goodnight Ezra, goodnight Jackie"


"That girl is really talented" Jackie wishpered while her head was resting on my chest.

"She is, she really is" I wishpered back, thinking about Aria who was probably sound asleep in her bedroom next to ours right now.

"I love you Ezra"

"I know Jackie"


I woke up later that night because someone was shaking my shoulders. I let out a groan, rubbed my eyes and looked at Jackie who was facing me. My eyes couldn't really adjust to the dark so I had no idea what was going on.

"Not now Jackie" I mumbled but then I felt a hot, sweary hand on my arm.

"Ezra,'it's me" Aria said in a hoarse, soft voice

"Aria? What's wrong?" I asked, shot up and put on the nightlight.

"I- I think- I'm sick" Aria said, but you could barely hear it. It was just now I saw Aria's sweaty head, her bags under her eyes and her pale face.

"Do I have to grab an bucket or something?"

"I- I don-" Aria said but before she could finish her sentence she rushed to the toilet and began throw up. I quickly ran behind her and pulled her hair back for her. When she was finished, she collapsed to the floor and started shaking like a freak.

"Aria, Aria I want you to calm down. Breathe in, breathe out okay?" I said and tried to reassure her, but it didn't work so I pulled her petite figure on my lap and let her head rest on my chest.

"Listen to my heartbeat. Breathe in, breathe out" I wishpered and finally, after a minute of five Aria started to calm down. "Very good Aria, now look at me" I said while I lifted her head with my finger. "Oh my god"

It was just now that I realized her eyes were closed and blood was streaming down her nose.

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