Chapter 3

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After I handed my work to Fitz, I rushed out of his room without even waiting for his reaction. I was always scared what people might think of my work, and just because Mr. Farler thought it was good, doesn't mean Fitz also thinks it's good. I quickly made my way to my next class, History. Another subject I adore. I walked to the table next to Noel and dropped myself down.

"Hey babe, did Fitz keep it in his pants?" Noel smirked and pecked me on my cheek

"Ha. Ha. Noel, we only talked about my writings, I asked Fitz for help" I said and grabbed my books

"Fitz is reading your writings? You never let me read one of your writings!" Noel pouted

"It's personal, and he's our teacher. You don't even know the difference between a novel and a text message"

"Neither do you!" Noel yelled

"Yes I do" I laughed

Don't get me wrong, I do love Noel, I love Noel to the bottom of my heart, but sometimes I just wish he was more like me. He doesn't know the first thing about English literature, he never reads a book, he hates anything that has to do with art, and unlike me, he parties every single weeked untill the sun comes up. It's not that I don't love him, it's just that we're so different.

"Hello Class, I'm Mrs. Haims and I'm gonna be your History teacher for the year, we're gonna make this a fun year" the blonde haired women said. I think she was late 20's, she had long, blonde hair, and a nice figure.

"She's nice" Emily wishpered

"Yeah, she's okay" I smiled

The History lesson was really fun, but that was more because we watched Gossip Girl on Netflix instead of doing History, and even the nerd inside me was happy we started the year like this. After History class we had Math, and after Math it was lunchtime. Me, Alison, Emily, Spencer, Hanna, Jake and Noel walked to the luchtable with our plates of food. I had an apple and a slice of pizza but just when I wanted to eat my pizza Noel grabbed it out of my hands.

"Noel! I was gonna eat that!" I chuckled and tried to get it out if his hand but he quickly took a bite of his, or actually my, pizza.

"Too late now, you've still got your apple" he smirked

"I hate you!" I laughed and slammed his arm. I ate my apple, drank my water and in no time lunch time was over. We walked back to class, and I had to admit, first day of school was just as boring as it sounds. Boring teachers, already loads of homework, and waking up really early. No, those were not my favourite activities. I walked out of the last class with Noel on my side and laughed a bit with Ali, untill we bumped into Fitz in the hallway.

"Hello Fitzy" Hanna giggled and winked

"Eh, hallo Hanna" He said a little bit uncomfortable. "Actually, now you're here, can I talk to you for a moment Miss Montgomery?" Ezra asked and gestured towards his classroom.

"Sure" I mumbled as I avoided his eye contact.

"Aria is getting some!" Jake yelled but I just ignored him. I walked into the classroom and after Fitz walked in, he closed the door behind him and walked towards his desk. For some reason, my heart was pounding out of my chest. I knew this was about my writing, and I was scared as hell. I never showed my work to anyone, not even Spencer, or Noel, or the rest of my friends. The only person who has read my work for so far, is Mr. Farler. I only ask people to read my work when I need their help, it was just too personal to show it to someone else.

"So, Aria, I've read your work, and I think-" Fitz said while sitting down in his chair, but I cut him off.

"Just forget about that, it was awful, it really was, just forget that ever happened" I quickly said and stood up from my chair

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