Chapter 30

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I went home. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe you would expect me to go to some mysterious cabin somewhere deep in the woods so there would be no chance Ezra was ever gonna find me, but no. I went home. He isn't gonna come after me anyways, the man is way to anxious I'm gonna do something to myself again, or that he will loose me entirely. Eventually he will see how I'm no good to him and he will accept it. But for now, I know how he's still counting on that little spark of hope inside of him that I will come back and we will live our happily ever after. Pity for him, that's not gonna happen. I took a deep breath before I pulled up in the parking lot and walked to the door. As soon as I walked in I could hear Nelly and Mike arguing over something. Over me.

"I don't know where she is! Stop freaking asking me!"

"Well, you're such good friends with that Noel boy, doesn't he know where she is?!" Nelly yelled

"Are you out of your freaking mind?! Do you still think I'm friends with that guy after everything he did to me?! To Aria?! For god's sake my little sister is missing!" Mike said and took a frustrated breath.

"I'm home" I mumbled and threw down my bags before I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Mike's and Nelly's head shot towards me and Nelly was the first one who knew what to say.

"Aria?! Oh my god Aria, you're back!" She yelled and before I knew it her arms were wrapped around me.

"Yeah, I'm back" I said and patted her back before she let go of out embrace.

"Where have you been? We were so worried!" Mike said and now it was his turn to pull me in a hug. I still didn't trust him though.

"Does it matter?" I asked and sat down on a bar stool before I took a sip of the cold water.

"Of course it does, but first I want to know what happened? Let me see your wrists" Nelly said and grabbed my arm but I yanked it away.

"Only with my therapist" I stated and turned my back to her.

"You, you have a therapist?" Nelly asked in disbelief, while I nodded.

"Just call her Nelly, please"


"Well, this is a different setting" Natalia smiled before she gave me a worried expression. "What happened with your boyfriend, is he okay?!"

"Forget about him, he's not my boyfriend" I spoke before Nelly walked in with a cup of coffee for Natalia.

"Do I hear a boyfriend?!" She asked but I just shook my head.

"Long story"

"Aria, I'm serious, he was really helping you! Why isn't he here?" Natalia frowned

"As I said, forget about him, he's just an old friend"

"No he's not. Aria, he loves you! And so do you, I can see it in your eyes"

"Natalia, I don't even kn-"

"Don't say you don't know what love is, because you know that damn well! Nelly loves you, Mike loves you, your friends love you, and Ezra loves you, and you love him. Just because you don't understand what it may be doesn't mean you don't know what it is!" Natalia stated

"I'm serious, no one really loves me, we just say it to make people feel better. We throw it around like it's nothing. Two words spoken and we already say we love each other, but that doesn't make sense! Maybe you're right, I do know what love is indeed. And I'm right too. I never really felt it." I said a little bit frustrated before I stood up, walked to my room and slammed the door. I burried my head in my pillow and laid there for a while, untill I heard a soft knock on the door.


"Go away"

"Aria, it's me, and Natalia" Nelly said and quietly entered my room. She sat down next to me and rubbed circles on my back.

"You have to know, that I really do love you. I don't know what Noel did to you to make you think this way, but I really do love you. No matter what." She said

"He raped me."


Here we were, a few days later, sitting in the court room. Sitting only a few meters away from Noel, the boy who raped me, that little filthy smile never left his face.

"Okay people, we're here for the indiction against Noel Kahn" the judge spoke after he asked everyone to be quiet. I couldn't bear to look Noel in the eyes after everything he did to me, I just couldn't. The judge began to speak and I totally zoned out, but shot back to reality when I felt someone touch my shoulder.

"Aria?"  I quickly looked up and saw the judge staring at me.

"Mrs. Kahn, what is your accusation against Mr. Kahn?" I couldn't help but feel nauseous when I heard my name. Mrs. Kahn

"He- he abused me,  and- he, he.. He raped me and- he kidnapped my brother and my friend, and he said- he said he would hurt them if I wouldn't marry him" I said as I tried to hold back the sobs that were threatening to come out.

"Mr. Kahn, what do you have to say about this?" The judge asked but Noel began to laugh. "Mr. Kahn, we're taking this very seriously"

"What am I supposed to do? I love her, you see, but she's clearly making this all up! You can see it in her eyes, at least I can, and I know her the best out of all people here I think" He smirked

"Excuse me, I think I am" Nelly spoke but Noel shook his head.

"Yeah, but did you witness it? She's probably lying to you too"

"I did actually!"

"Oh, poor Nelly, so cought up in Aria's lies, you're starting to believe it yourself!" Noel spoke

"Sorry, Mr. Kahn, why do you think Aria would make something up like this?" The judge asked

"I don't know, but look at her! Look at her medical records! They aren't clean either! This girl is mentally unstable!" Noel spoke and then something in me snapped.

"SHUT UP! I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I yelled and was about to attack him, but I felt two arms wrap around me to stop me.

"Aria, Aria calm down!" Nelly yelled

"You see? She isn't healthy" Noel spoke

"You have a point there, but Aria, what do you have to say about this? What made you like this?" The judge asked but I couldn't speak anymore. Disbelief was carved on my face. Noel was getting away with this, and he knew that damn well. "Nothing?"


"Noel Kahn, declared innocent due to lack of evidence!" The judge spoke but in that exact same moment someone barged through the door.

"STOP! He's guilty!"

That voice. I knew that voice too well. I instantly knew who it was and I couldn't keep the little smile from my face when I saw it was true. It really was him. His eyes locked with mine for a second before he walked to the judge.

"Ezra" I wishpered to myself.

"Honey, who's he? Who is that man?" Nelly wishpered, and I answered.

"My only salvation"

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