The Slavic Siblings

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Hey, guys!

Ukraine, has it ever been difficult being the eldest sibling of three kids? Also, any embarrassing baby pictures of Russia and/or Belarus you'd like to share?


Ukraine: A-ah, a question for me? *smiles and tears up* 

Yes, Ukraine, this question is for you and you only!

Ukraine: I'm so happy!! Right, the questions... um... yes, it's difficult being the oldest, because you have to watch over them, you know? 

What else?

Ukraine: Well, sometimes arguements... and for Belarus and Russia, I have to separate them before they somehow get married.

Belarus: *hisses*

Ukraine: And, since I'm the oldest, I have the most responsibilities... 

Denmark: Yeah, I know how you feel! I have to take care of Greenland over there!

Hey!! Is that an insult?!

Denmark: Yes.

Excuse you!! *glares* It's not like I want to be living with you in the first place!!

Ukraine: But... as long as Russia and Belarus are happy, I'm happy! It makes me smile, knowing that they're okay.

Aw, that's so sweet! *grins* 

Ukraine: Oh, and about embarrassing pictures?

Belarus: Don't... 

Russia: No, Ukraine!

Ukraine: Um, let's see... *brings out a photo album* Here's one of baby Russia naked!

Russia: *blushes* Sister!!

America: *laughs* Oh my god, look at the commie!

Ukraine: This one is Belarus tripping... 

Belarus: *glares darkly*

Ukraine: Belarus and Russia holding hands... ah, here's Belarus with a face covered in baby food!

Belarus: *groans and walks away* 

Wait, Belarus!! *runs after her* You have to be here for the next questions!!

Ukraine: Here's Russia with... 

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