Gimme a Hug~!

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Virginia: *hugs Latvia from behind and blushes*

Latvia: A-ah, Virginia! 

Arizona: *takes a quick picture of Latvia and Virginia then hides the camera and starts whistling innocently* 

Virginia: *glares* Ask your question already... 

Arizona: A'ight then! *cackles* Yo, Romano, can I have a hug? If not, you won't be too happy~ *smirks and holds out picture of Spamano* 

Romano: *spits out drink* Wh-where the f*(# did you get that picture you b@$%@*(?!

Spain: *laughs nervously* Um, where did that come from?

Romano: Yeah you little s#!*!!!

Arizona: Hey, no cussing!!! 

Romano: You can't f*(#!*% tell me what to do b!*(#!!!

Virginia: *starts crying* 

Romano: ... H-hey, sorry for cussing... just calm down, dammit. 

What's all this fuss about? 

Virginia: Romano cussed at me!!

Arizona: Me too!

Oh my god, Romano, I said no cussing!! *groans* Hey, so what are you two doing here? 

Arizona: Oh, I had a question! 

What is it?

Arizona: Romano, can I have a hug~? 

Romano: No. 

Arizona: *holds up Spamano picture once more* I'll send this to everyone in the world!! *cackles* Ah, what an awesome plan. 

Romano: *grits teeth* ... Okay, fine!!!

Arizona: Yay!! *glomps him* 

Romano: Oh ****!!!

Virginia: No cussing!!

He's not going to stop, is he? 

Virginia: I don't think so... 

Well, Arizona, you got your hug! 

Arizona: Yep! *grins* Oh, hiya, Prussia! 

Prussia: Hello, not-as-awesome-as-me Arizona!

Arizona: *rolls eyes* I'm totally awesomer than you! I proved it in the Awesome-Off!

Prussia: You did not, that was a tie! 

Arizona: I would've totally won though!!!

Prussia: Yeah right! 

Um guys, calm down... well, thanks for visiting, Arizona and Virginia! Now shoo, we need to rest! Bye and see you next time~! Drop more questions please! We'll answer them as soon as possible!

Turkey: More like as soon as she isn't dead and drunk! 

Hey, I'm not old enough to drink alcohol, so ha! *sticks tongue out* I can't get drunk! 

Turkey: So the dead part is true? 

Shhh!! *shoves Turkey away* Anyways, byebye!! 

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