Chapter 11.

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Shaheen's POV:

We all were just chilling and goofing off doing our thing, I look around to see if Anisa was back from the washroom, but she hadn't still. I also try to look for Harry, but he wasn't around either weird...Anisa is taking long in the washroom. I had an idea that they probably were together and something was up. I walk up to Zayn asking him to come along with me.

"Hey Zayn, come with me for a sec, I don't see Anisa around and nor do I see Harry, something is up," I say.

Zayn and I head up stairs to look around; we go through all the rooms but don't see them. So we head back to Harry's room and look around.

"Ah Zayn, there they are," I say pointing towards Anisa and Harry on the balcony of Harry's room.

Zayn and I head towards the balcony a little creek of the balcony door was open, we see Anisa and Harry casually talking, but then all of a sudden harry turns to Anisa and comes closer.

"Shhh...Zayn, don't say a word, I tell you," I say to Zayn.

We felt like under cover spies, Zayn and I the undercover monkey spies...please I don't know why I thought of that name. We spy on them and aah...they...they...kkk...kkk...KISS! Zayn and I were in shock, but had wide smirks on our faces. We knew this was going to happen. Zayn and I head out after their little kissing scene was done, and they were just hugging.

"WE KNEW IT, FINALLY, WE KNEW IT!" Zayn and I run in, making Anisa and Harry jumped, letting go of each other.

They cheeks full on red and were blushing, how cute. They were just too cute, and would be the best and sexiest couple.

"Bro...finally had the guts," Zayn says with a wink.

"Yes, you guys finally...we all knew eventually you guys are going to do something," I say with a laugh.

" wittle Anisa blushing, I say pinching her cheeks.

"Oh, stop it please, I'm leaving," she says trying to walk away.

Just then Harry grabbed her hand and pulled her back, she bumps back into his chest. Anisa covers her face with her hands, she was so rosy red. Zayn started to howl and i let a whistle go, making both Harry and Anisa turn bright red. We all laughed. How cute they were.

"Okay...enough with this romance and lets go down to the rest and make some food, I'm damn hungry!" I say all if us heading down.

We went down to the rest; all were just sitting and chilling. Liam was with his girlfriend Danielle and Louis was with his, Eleanor. Eleanor went to the kitchen to make some pasta all these boys love. I head to the kitchen to see what she was up to, let us make new friends. All us girls went to the kitchen to spend some time and duh...make food.

"I shall start making my superb pasta, or Harry and Zayn will kill me...oh and can't forget always hungry Niall now," Eleanor says with a laugh.

We all started talking and sharing stories and getting to know each other better and just staring at Eleanor making food, till...

"HEY GUYS, WHAT YA UP TO GIRLIES," the boys yell coming to the kitchen.

Oh no we thought, time for them to ruin the girl moments. Louis came around to Eleanor hugging her from the back, but Eleanor kept shooing him away.

"Louis, please get off of me before I through this entire dish of past on your head," Eleanor says with anger.

"Oh babe, you can't, I know you can't," Louis says with a little sassy attitude.

"Oh, my love, don't make me," she says with an evil smile.

We all turn to each other knowing what Eleanor is going to do. Louis just kept smiling not knowing what will happen, then all of a sudden... *plop* Eleanor dumped the entire dish of pasta on to Louis head. We all covered our mouths in shock. Eleanor just couldn't stop laughing and Louis...oh god Louis face, it was priceless, the anger and also shock that Eleanor actually did that on his face. We all burst out into laughter.

"Oh god, your face Louis, it's priceless," we all say.

"I told you, not to challenge and make me and never show your sassy ass to me...get that babe," Eleanor says walking away.

Louis got up and took the bowl of pasta sauce that was on the table in his hand...oh no.

"Louis..." I say.

And with that he threw the pasta sauce on to Eleanor. Us all in shock, oh no...where is this going to go.

"HA...don't ever try to mess with the sass king," Louis says with a proud feeling.

We thought of being on Eleanor's team so we all look at each other and...

"CHARGE!" we all yell.

We head towards Louis, taking any type of food we can get in the kitchen and know where this took us...we had a big ass FOOD FIGHT! After that hour of having a food fight, we all got really hungry and well Eleanor threw all the pasta and wasted it on Louis head, so we decided to head to Nando's to eat dinner. We all cleaned ourselves up and head to Nando's.

After we got back from Nando's and finished our delicious dinner, we all thought of playing a game of spin the bottle. We all sat down in a circle to play.

"Okay guys...we are going to change things up a bit, we are going to play like this...the bottle will spin and stop on two people, those 2 people have two choices...actually not choices, if the two are from opposite sex, you need to do 7 minutes in heaven, and if the two are from the same sex, let's need to, I don't know, let's say dance to gangnam style," Louis says telling us what to do.

We started the game, and first of was Liam and Niall, they had to dance, then came, Harry and Louis...they whined to do 7 minutes in heaven, but ew we all said no. then it was on Zayn and I...oh crap. Now what I thought...I look up to Zayn and see him staring at me.

"Come on you two, into the closet you go," they all say with a wink.

Zayn and I head into the closet and sit down, it felt so awkward, we just became friends and now...I was so scared and nervous, I just hope he doesn't actually kiss me.

"Shayy, don't worry, I won't do it if you don't want to, but...I have an idea," he says.

"What?" I ask.

He thought that the rest outside, probably have their ears to the door, trying to hear what's happening inside, so we thought of making some noise, if ya know what I mean. We started making kissing noises and damn the whispers we heard from out. 8 minutes were over, and we heard Louis say.

"Come on guys, don't get to intense, are your clothes on, we are opening the door," he says.

Zayn and I couldn't control and started laughing, we came out of the closet, and to make sure they think we actually did something, I kissed Zayn on the cheek leaving a lipstick mark.

"Uhm have lipstick on your cheeks," Harry says laughing.

Zayn started to blush a bit, I could tell, but why, I thought, I mean...he knew I kissed his cheek to show the rest, weird. We all were bored of spin the bottle so we thought of playing twister. Twister was so messed up and hectic, Louis kept cheating and instead of Harry touching the ground he kept touching Louis ass, those gay boys. It was 11pm and we finally decided to watch a movie. We all picked the movie "CLICK" by Adam Sandler. We all took our seats, Louis and Liam beside their girlfriends, Harry obviously beside Anisa and I was seated in between Niall and Zayn. We all decided to sleep in the theatre room, where we were watching the movie, so we put blankets and all on the floor, because eventually we were all going to fall asleep in the middle of the movie.

Zayn's POV:

We all sat to watch the movie, Adam Sandler was a comedian, and he'd always bring a good laugh. Shaheen was sitting beside me her warmth...I could just feel it. She started laughing at some funny parts, man her laugh it was just so melodic and beautiful, I didn't realize that I was staring until Shaheen snapped her fingers in front of my eyes.

"Zayn, are you okay? Is something on my face? Or..." she says.

"Oh...its nothing," I say turning towards the screen, my cheeks heating up. I don't know ever since Shaheen and I hung out at the theme park, I've just loved her company, it was different and I just liked it. I had this weird feeling about her now, which is kind of weird. I just hope this feeling doesn't stay like this...

"Zayn, do you mind if I use a bit of your blanket and share...uhm, I'm kind of feeling a bit chilly," Shaheen says.

She looked so cute.

"Yeah, sure why would I mind, come," I say bringing her close in and putting half my blanket on her.

We sat there sort of cuddling, it wasn't very awkward, but it was calming and I liked it. She started to come in a bit more; I think she was very cold. I put my arm around her bringing her closer into me, the touch, the feeling was weird. This isn't good. I can't, I thought. This isn't right. But she...I look down to her; she was resting her head on my shoulder, all the other couples doing the same and Niall sleeping already. Shaheen started to drift off to sleep, and god knows when I did. We all fell asleep in this deep peaceful sleep, having the best dreams....

hey hey guys, next chapter posted...i apologise from now, that this chapter is quite boring nothing to much and im sorry for that, it's just been busy with family. but dont worry hopefully nexy chapter will be fun filled and interesting. anyways hope u enjoy.

dont forget to keep the votes coming, comment down below, and keep the reads going. also please i'd appreciate the spread. love you all. Thanks xo

The Doughnut Jerk ( A Zayn Malik fanfic ) EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now