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This chapter was inspired by DELENA


AU; lydia and stiles get into an argument.



Lydia huffed, stomping her foot on the ground as she was so much shorter than the boy standing in front of her. She felt so small, so frail that she was defenseless against him.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Lydia, why do you even care? Malia has been way more accepting and she actually gave me a chance! Why are you taking his away from me?" He pleaded, feeling the rain pour down on him.

He had been driving Lydia home from a pack meeting when she brought Malia up. The two were having eye sex with each other, and Lydia wanted to know what was up. That's when the rain came.

"Stiles! I'm warning you. Malia could hurt you. She -"

"I don't care about getting hurt? What about Jackson, huh? Aiden? You seemed to take care of yourself perfectly fine even when the two were on killing sprees and killing death!" Stiles said, the rain pounding against his temples.

Lydia said nothing. All she did was sigh and walk back to her house. "Whatever Stiles. It's fine."

But it wasn't fine. Lydia liked Stiles. No, Lydia loved Stiles. And now that she realizes it, he already has a girlfriend which he is happy with. Lydia wanted Stiles, but she couldn't tell him she liked him. She didn't want to complicate things with Malia since Stiles wasn't letting her go.

"Lydia, wait."

Lydia stopped but didn't look behind her, her hair soaked and clinging to her skin which Stiles' friend almost took an enjoying to.

"Lydia I'm sorry." Stiles said over the rain. "I shouldn't have brought up Aiden and Jackson."

Lydia turned around, finally giving in. She screamed. "It wasn't about them! It's about you, Stiles. You. It's you! It's you, it's you, it's you! And I hate myself for realizing this now, but I love you, Stiles. I am completely in love with you, and I can't help it!"


"But then, Malia comes, and - and she completely tears down my wall and builds yours." Lydia continued, breathing heavily.

"Lydia I-"

She cut him off. "I don't think you've even noticed me until now. Until I stood outside waiting for my mom to pick me up. You only saw me then when Malia wasn't there. Yes, Stiles. I'm jealous. I'm a jealous fuck, but I don't care. I'm telling you this, and I might as well just leave because I know you've moved on, and I know you love Malia." Lydia's voice cracked as she turned around and ran towards her house whist being soaking wet.

Stiles ran after her, almost slipping on the wet grass and how adrenaline pumping this was.

"Lydia! Jesus fuck, Lydia! Stop!" He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face her, their faces inches apart as they were wet.

He breathed heavily as he looked in her eyes. "Lydia, she's not you."

Lydia said nothing.

"I'm still in love with you. I really am. I see you everyday talking to new people and I still get the tingly feeling in my chest whenever you look at me and christ, Lydia, I've never stopped loving you. I will always love you forever and ever. Malia was just there, and I thought I could get over you, I really did! But I couldn't. I never will, Lydia. Never have stopped since I saw you for the first time in third grade." Stiles said hopefully, a giant grin on his face as Lydia slowly smiled underneath him.

Stiles let go of Lydia's hand and took a step back, throwing out his arms and looking up into the rain. "I AM IN LOVE WITH LYDIA MARTIN!"

Lydia broke out into a grin, rushing towards Stiles who triumphantly smiled at himself, and caught the girl who barreled into him and lunged into a sweet, salty rain kiss.

Stiles held her up, Lydia finally towering over Stiles as she kissed him deeper, Stiles moaning softly under the rain. She grazed his cheek and then gripped it, allowed him to have access which he gladly granted.

Stiles hoisted her up more, her damp curls clinging to her arms and tickling Stiles hand. Stiles' hair was wet and sticking to his forehead, but Lydia pushed it back, the hair forming into a quiff.

She moaned softly, her hands trailing all over his body where she could reach. Stiles' hands were placed firmly on Lydia's ass, which he didn't mind since she was wearing a short skirt as he was wearing a very thin tee shirt.

Stiles pulled away, him and Lydia not breaking eye contact. Stiles sighed, breaking out into a huge shit grin as he laughed.

"I just kissed you." He breathed out, making Lydia giggle.

"Let's go inside. My mom isn't home tonight." She whispered in his ear, smirking at him as he widened his eyes.

Lydia clutched onto Stiles as he ran into her house with her in his arms.

I'm stydia trash lmao

I'm also bellarke trash as well so yay.

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