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au - stiles and lydia are spies and are trying to get intel on some wealthy people, and they pretend to be a wealthy couple as well to get invited to parties and such.


Lydia didn't sign up for this.

Sure, she didn't sign up to have menstruating cramps once a month or boys that pestered her about going on dates, but that was just nature. But, being paired with some hot shot asshole in a top secret mission was something she did not want in her career as a spy.

Lydia and Stiles go a long way back. He was cool when he was younger, and then he got hotter and more girls seemed to be interested in him, so he sort of forgot about Lydia being his best friend. He's been so cocky and slutty lately that Lydia didn't even think it was the same person. It was bad enough that they work together, but it was a world catastrophe that they had to work together on a mission that could last months.

Oh, the best part? They're suppose to be in love. Married. Crazy about each other.

How could Lydia be crazy in love with him if all she wanted to do was puke in his face? God, he made her mad just by the stupid smirk on his face. Lydia was a good actress, so she could pull it off. She was actually worried he wouldn't be able to hold a girl's hand in public without snogging her until her nose job was all messed up.

Yeah, that's what goes down in Beacon Hills.

At first Lydia wanted to decline. The Ghosts meeting lasted from early afternoon to late at night. It was bad enough that Stiles' dad actually ran the incorporation, and for some reason wanted to see Lydia suffer. John Stilinski and Lydia got along. Great, actually. But sometimes he likes to push her buttons and make her a better spy than she already is, and gives her tasks so hard to complete. So at first, Lydia was gonna say no.

But then she found out if she said no, Malia would be next in line.

Well, don't get her wrong, Lydia loves Malia, but the girl was a terrible liar. Allison and Kira were out sick and couldn't make the meetings for a month, and they would've been next in line. But Malia sort of had a lying problem. She also had the biggest crush on Stiles- which would benefit the case, but it could easily get her off guard. Plus- Malia kissed Lydia's boyfriend three weeks ago (now they are broken up), but it still wasn't cool, and Lydia wasn't completely over it. So maybe getting back at her with Stiles was a way of being even.

That's when she gave in. But she still hated Stiles. She didn't know if she was that good at acting. She was one of the best Ghost members there ever was, and couldn't let something so important slide by because the guy is a douche.

The Ghosts was an incorporation that Lydia worked for. It was an investigation department that worked against American Federations that use illegal crimes to boost their companies. This mission, with Lydia and Stiles, John was informed of a case that had suspects of two wealthy people living in the upper class of Beacon Hills. They were suspected of dealing an illegal drug, making crystal meth and an unknown killing drug and selling it to people nationwide, hence the reason for their financial essentials. They needed to find the drugs, since it was destined to also kill people.

Since the couple was wealthy, Lydia and Stiles had to act like a married couple to get invited to their parties and investigate the house and interrogate the couple. As much as Lydia hated Stiles, he was a pretty good agent and could get anything out of any suspect. Lydia was better at silent jobs, investigations since she was small enough to crawl through vents and such. It was more her style. But despite their mutual hate for each other, Stiles and Lydia made a good team hypothetically. He was social, and she was sly.


She snapped out of her trance, sitting on her bed twirling a piece of unknown yarn around her fingers. She looked up to see her dorm mate, Allison, standing over her, nose red and face pale due to the sickness that consumed her. Lydia generally felt bad for the brunette. It sucked missing assignments.

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