One Last Call

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( do you like this cover or the one i already have?? i don't know if i want to change it )

au- she makes one last phone call to him

warning: short and sad


The sounds of screams reminisced in the alleys of the empty streets. Heels that once clicked were now silent, and perpendicular to the ground as the victims lay horizontal on the cold, wet, concrete. Purses had been laying astray to the girls, out of their grasp when they collapsed to the ground in the heap of a second.

Pain and silence had been a big fear of Lydia's, and right now, she was beyond terrified.

The body of her best friend lay next to her, dead, as the bullet wound created a ripple effect with the result of blood spilling into a puddle of crimson red just centimeters away from her. The brown eyes that were once full of life and passion were now dull and dark. The brown hair that was once glorified by all was soaked in her own blood, staining it red. Allison Argent had taken a bullet for her best friend, and ended up dying before the man could even blink.

Once he shot her, he decided to risk another loud gun shot in Lydia's thigh, and running away mindlessly when her screams augmented in the pain of her best friend and her leg. While falling down, spare glass had been sat there from previous events and struck Lydia in the back once she tumbled to the ground, since her leg wasn't able to support her body standing up. The pain had been tremendous, given that now she couldn't run away and was practically forced to look at the body of her best friend, who sacrificed herself for her. Who gave up her own life for Lydia. It didn't make sense.

No matter how smart she was, or how many books she read, her state of panic numbed away all the intelligence. For once in her life, Lydia Martin didn't know what to do. Staring at her best friend and trying to close the wound in her heart seemed like the one thing to do on her checklist, whilst crying and screaming.

"Hey...hey c'mon...Wake up, Ally."

"We were gonna go bowling, Ally."

"Please, Allison. Please..."

Her screams and pleads weren't enough to resurrect the brunette beauty, and instead was forced to stare into those once lively eyes and weep at the amount of dullness that was in them. With shielding her eyes, Lydia closed Allison's with shaky fingers and mangled sobs.

Lydia was on the brink of death; she felt her blood being drawn from her by the minute. She nearly gagged when her exposed legs were drowned in her own blood and the bullet wound was growing infected. Her fingers mindlessly traveled to her back, just hovering and feeling the blood stain onto her fingers. She tried to get the bullet out, but her state of being wasn't helping her migraine and her flimsy behavior. She couldn't even look straight.

But she knew she had to tell him. Just one last time she needed to just listen to him.

Her phone was laying meters away from her, and it took all the courage to army crawl over to the cracked phone and whimper out when her finger would be sliced by a shard of glass. The battery was low, but she just needed him. She didn't care.

Her fingers shook, messing up the dialing of his number a few times due to her lack of coordination. She managed to phone him, his contact picture coming up, and she couldn't help but smile.

It was a picture of him sleeping. As creepy as that sounds, it was actually beautiful. His lips were smushed against his infamous pillow and his nose was dipped at the tip. His eyes were closed and his eyebrows were furrowed in deep dreaming thought. His hand supported his posture underneath the pillow and was only shown in a glimpse at the corner of the photo. His hair was mussed and he had crusty eyes, but Lydia had loved the image in its entirety.

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