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so quick a/n here but I was totally inspired by sourstiles because I love when she does these. her stories are fantastic and I suggest leaving my page to go to hers lmao



★ Hand holding while he's driving. It usually'll rest on her thigh.

★ Ordering Chinese take out and watching jeopardy. Lydia knows practically every single answer but she lets Stiles and the sheriff try and figure it out on their own.

★ Singing really loud in the car because they love duets.

★ Then Lydia realizing holy shit he can sing and makes him belt lyrics from every song she can think of.

★ Stiles being embarrassed but does it for her anyway.

★ Stiles renting out the ice rink once a year just for old time's sake.

★ Lydia cleaning Stiles' room for him because he's too lazy to do it himself and she cannot stand it being dirty.

★ And then proceeding to find his Star Wars boxers and making fun of him for it.

★ And then him attempting to defend himself that they're his cousins, who Lydia knows live in Oregon.

★ She lets it slide.

★ Sleepover-Saturday's

★ She often sneaks out to see him in the middle of the night because of his nightmares.

★ Laying in the dark wordlessly because they both know it's nice like this.

★ Lydia always winning the arguments. Always.

★ Non-stop Harry Potter and Star Wars jokes.

★ Lydia showing up to school occasionally wearing the iconic flannel that hides the outfit from the day before.

★ And then her packing overnight bags because she can't have that kind of talk about her.

★ So Stiles lets her have a drawer. She moves in immediately.

★ Lydia singing in the shower and Stiles joining her.

★ The Sheriff finding them in the morning, and can't help but smile because he used to hold Claudia like that.

★ Stupid arguments that lead to sex.

★ Sex that leads to stupid arguments.

★ Always bickering.

★ Like, always.

★ Stiles always hugging her from behind.

★ Lydia always hugging him tightly.

★ He usually rests his chin on top of her head because oh god she's so short.

★ Stiles always crying after watching Finding Nemo.

★ "Fish are friends, not food!"

★ Lydia rolling her eyes but hugging the emotional boy anyway until his cries are down to hiccups.

★ Stiles getting insanely frustrated because damn he loves that skirt she's wearing.

★ Lydia always teasing him about how easily he gets turned on.

★ Getting into one really bad argument that leads to her crying- which Lydia Martin doesn't cry.

★ So he pulls his head out of his ass and apologizes almost immediately, even if he was right.

★ And then he proceeds peppery kiss her until she can't help but smile.

★ Stiles somehow being fluent in French, which was a major turn on for Lydia.

★ Lydia helping Stiles study because what the hell even is physics?

★ Lydia occasionally spooning Stiles because she knows he likes to be the little spoon.

★ Stiles mindlessly playing with her hair which feels so good.

★ Stiles smirking at her when she wears his clothes.

★ Lydia blushing because he accuses her of stealing all of his hoodies...which she did.

★ Stiles wearing Lydia's high heels and accidentally breaking the heel off of them.

★ "I just wanted to see what it was like!"

★ "You're an idiot, Stilinski."

★ "Yeah, but you love me anyway."

★ "Yeah, yeah I do."

★ Spending hours on Sunday just laying next to each other. Sometimes reading a book.

★ Stiles having some amazing art talent and Lydia being extremely jealous because she can only draw a stick figure.

★ Stiles being extremely jealous when any boy talks to Lydia, because he insecure about himself compared to some hotshot jocks.

★ Lydia constantly reminding him that she loves him and will never leave him.

★ Stiles buying Lydia red lingerie for Christmas.

★ The Sheriff finding the Victoria Secret box in Stiles' room and not saying anything.

★ Lydia wearing the outfit.

★ "Hey babe?"

★ "I will kill you, Stilinski, I told you not to call me pet names after a pig."

★ "But babe-"

★ Lydia getting super frustrated because Stiles could eat a buffet and lose three pounds yet she'd gain so much.

★ Lydia feeling insecure when going out to dinner with him.

★ And then him constantly reminding her that she's a goddess on earth and is beautiful.

★ Lydia being the one to kill the spider.

★ "Fuck you, Stilinski."

★ "Well, if you insist."

★ Stiles buying chocolate for when Lydia's on her time of the month.

★ "You're not having any."

★ Lydia and Stiles always touching each other- whether it's a friendly hand on the knee or on the small of their back. It's a friendly affection they've always done even before dating.

★ Stiles always holding her cheeks when kissing her.

★ Lydia being too short so he pulls the collar of his flannel down to kiss him.

★ "You fucking tease, Stilinski."

★ Stiles always becoming flustered when Lydia makes the first move, or when she's in a mood.

★Basically just Stiles and Lydia loving each other endlessly, ridiculously, and passionately.


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