The Top

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(this part was the best in cinematic history)

au lydia is forced to go on the ferris wheel, which she hates, and ends up getting stuck at the top with stiles, which doesn't help her chronic fear of heights.


She wasn't supposed to go out tonight.

Tonight was supposed to be a night of catching up on work that was due later in the week; it was supposed to be a night primarily run on four cups of coffee and 5-Hour Energy's in order to get that work done. She planned it all out, too. Her earliest assignments were the first to be done, and then the ones that weren't nearly as important came in a close second. The papers were sprawled out all over her bed. Her textbooks were opened to the pages that were required to complete these assignments. The colorful pens were orderly placed with color coated highlighters next to her notebooks.

The only thing she regretted was the phone right by her side.

She meant to place it face down, but couldn't help but glance at it every time it lit up with a new notification. Her priority was supposed to be with school, but she couldn't keep that facade up because of a certain brunette spamming her phone, which vibrated against her knee every five seconds. She didn't mean to look at it, or keep it close to her. But she was home alone, and she had watched way too many crime shows to be keeping her phone downstairs.

She groaned, wishing her best friend would stop texting her and that this work was all done and that she could watch her TV shows in peace. But none of that was working, so she decided to eliminate the leading target of her procrastination.

Picking up the phone, she scrolled through all the spammed texts she was receiving from her best friend Kira, the bubbly, cheerful ray of sunshine, that could not stop bothering her upon this lovely night, which undoubtedly was nice due to the moon shining through the satin curtains hovering over her window.

She read over the spammed messages and decided to put a stop to it, telling her friend to cut it out before she was forced to turn her phone off (which she really didn't want to do incase she had to call 9-1-1 incase of emergency...or Scott because he knew what he was doing). Within seconds, probably less than that, she got an answer.


Lydia Martin sighed against the cool air of her room, a fan on the lowest setting brushing against her natural curls, slightly damp from the shower she had taken prior to this study session. She sighed once again realizing that there was no way out of this in her favor. Kira wouldn't budge and would physically drive down her just to drag her out of bed, which was, periodically, happened before. Accepting defeat, she texted back and set her phone down before she could say anything else.

Carnivals were exceedingly pointless. Rickety rides that could fall apart any second, food that was made artificially days before, screaming children-yes, what a place for her. She just completely enjoyed the thought of wasting yet another night dedicated to school work on some carnival she would never remember. She was elastic, really.

Picking out a simple (and somewhat stubborn) outfit, she marched out of her house and snatched her keys, but this was all before she turned off all the nights and said goodnight to her mother that wasn't even home, and probably won't be until the next day. Some things she just got used to, and that was one of them. The main thing that kept Lydia going was the thought that her mother's job wasn't busy on purpose, her mother was just purposely busy, yet she soon got past that and learned how to grow up herself.

Meeting Kira at the carnival was probably the worst thing she could have done; she had to pay for parking and attempt to find a spot three hours into the starting time. Upon finding one and still being bitter about it, she raced down to where her friends were standing and stopped a few feet behind them, brushing out her hair and smoothing out her pants.

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