I Know

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au stiles and lydia go on a beach trip

requested by @redstringbanshee

warning - like the American Assassin trailer
* no guns or violence ok carry on *

"Why can't we just sleep for the day?"

The exhausted girl collapsed onto the king sized bed, her bags sliding down her wrists and weighing down her arms as her face smushed into the material of the mattress. The words tumbled out of her mouth as a muffled groan, her mind fuzzy from the jet lag and the infuriating hotel manager who kept trying to solicit the hotel's extra activities which only costed extra thousands of dollars. After politely declining, the girl deemed to be tired mentally and physically from the time zones and people's annoying bullshit.

The boy, equally as tired, sighed, and crashed down next to her, curling his legs around her and wrapping his arms around her to bring her close. He rested his eyes, slithering his head into the squish of her hip and holding her close. Yes, he looked like a little boy clinging onto his mother, but she didn't mind and he didn't care. They were both as equally exhausted from the different time zones.

"We gotta see the beach outside the hotel," he murmured into her cotton shirt and some of her skin, given that the article of clothing rose up her stomach just slightly.

His voice was ice and her skin was fire, clashing the two to create a mixture of all the chemical signals that gave her the impression of love. Her skin crawled with shivers, the words being icicles that pelted against her skin and gave her chills. She grinned into the sheets, turning her head so that she could peer down to see him in an equally drained state, snuggled up against her like she was his infamous pillow.

Lydia shifted her body so she was laying on her back, staring at the ceiling while aimlessly finding his hair so she can run her fingers through it. He groaned against her skin, his right hand finding her left hip, tracing light circles on the epidermis until she smiled against his touch. She looked down at him once more, noticing his gaze was off the horizon of her stomach, staring into nothingness as he mindlessly traced shapes. He was blinking slowly, the girl melting over the fact that his eyelashes kissed his skin and grazed his upper bone structures.

"I wanna go to the beach," said Stiles, looking back up at the ceiling.

Lydia hummed in agreement.

The thought was said but never executed, neither of the pair moving or getting dressed for swimming. The suggestion hung in the air by a loose thread, the string of decision almost being broken by their exhaustion. It was comfortable here, coiled by his limbs and soaked in the thought of him. She was comfortable in every single way, not wanting to even move a muscle in the fear of permission given to get up. God, she didn't want to get up, but they were in Maui, Hawaii, and the beaches here were absolutely phenomenal.

The pair always looked up pictures and fantasized about taking a trip there for years. Now, all the money was saved and they were adults, so they decided to getaway for a week to be together at one of the most beautiful places on earth. They dreamed about this day since high school.

Now they were 25 both working in the city of New York, adapting to the lifestyle that did not include palm trees and beaches. This was all new for them, and the pair couldn't be any happier upon arrival. Small problem—jet lag.

"We should go," he whispered, groaning once he pushed himself up and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

The girl obliged, reiterating his movements and shrugging simply. "If we can get through the day without sleeping, then we will be perfectly fine for tonight." He nodded at her words and proceeded to get up and unzip his bag to retrieve his bathing suit.

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