Basketball Team

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AU; lydia joins the basketball team, and the captain isn't too thrilled



Lydia smirked. Her pride had taken over with four simple words that made her sigh in relief. They made her happy, rewarding. She worked this hard to get her spot, and she finally got it. She didn't care if people were mad. All she cared about was if she got to play the game she loved. And she now had the chance, since Coach Stilinski said those four simple words.

"You're on the team."

Lydia smirked, jumped with pride, squealed in excitement. She was new at this school, and at her old school, the girls actually had a sports basketball team. Lydia was a starter on varsity. She played a shooting guard, and occasionally a point guard. She made basically every single shot. She'd never lost a game she played in. She was usually the smallest on the team, and the best. But she didn't play alone. Lydia wasn't the one to hog the ball. She was all about teamwork.

But playing on a team that was all boys, Lydia maybe had to rethink her method.

Stiles, the captain of the team, widened his eyes at his father, the coach, and threw his hands up in the air. "Dad? Seriously? You're letting a girl play on the team? Are you like, doing drugs, or something?" It was bad enough that he had to play basketball with his crush. Since she got here, Stiles had been infatuated with her. What if he hurts her?

"Yeah, Coach," the co captain, Scott McCall, added from the back of the locker room, "she's a girl. What if we, I don't know, hurt her, or something?"

Coach Stilinski shook his head at his sons, and lead Stiles and Lydia to the corner of the locker room. He whispered in a low voice. "Lydia is better than half the team combined. Gender doesn't matter, Stiles. You're the captain. Act like it." Coach started to walk away, but stopped and turned around, giving the team an evil glare. "If you don't treat her like a player, I'll give consequences. Our game is on Saturday at four. Be ready to play."

Then Coach walked out of the locker room, leaving a smirking Lydia and the rest of the team breaking out into whispers and groans.

Lydia had to practice. Fast.


Lydia pulled her uniform on, examining herself in the mirror as she took a deep breath. It was her first game tonight with the boys, and she was nervous. All her friends were coming tonight. What if she didn't play good? What if she got hurt? What if she messed up? What would happen?

Lydia breathed, throwing her shooter shirt over her uniform and tucking it into her shorts slightly. She knotted her hair up in a ponytail, her long curls vibrant against the white walls behind her. Her light makeup stood out, nothing that would get smudged from the sweat. Lydia stood in the mirror for five more minutes, positive thoughts running through her head as she smiled sweetly, packing up her stuff in five minutes and heading out to her car.

You'll do great. You're an amazing player.

She hoped her voice in her head was right.


Lydia arrived at the game, the students of Beacon Hills pouring into the auditorium. Kids gave her a weird look as she trudged over to the team bench where the team was all huddled up, ready to play.

Lydia rushed over, anger filling her small frame as she grabbed Stiles Stilinski's shoulder and yanked him out of the huddle, pushing him behind the bench. She glared at him exasperatedly, sighed dramatically.

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