A Witch's Curse.2

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"Dude—stop it."

The words were barely a murmur coming from Scott McCall, partly because he didn't want his friend getting humiliated by his actions. Also because the two were in the middle of a class, with the devil teacher who would share any sort doodle or note in front of the class if he caught it. He was merciless, and even Stiles had no game up against him since he had so much authority.


Stiles was distraught and distracted. This class of Economics wasn't his favorite, and he had no intention of paying attention to today's lesson. To be fair, he did all his homework and was on top of the class, surprisingly.

"He's gonna confiscate it," reminded Scott.

Stiles aimlessly hummed in return, mindlessly doodling Lydia's name on a blank page in his notebook with little hearts drawn around the i and making the L cursive. He'd been doing this involuntarily for at least twenty minutes, and didn't realize until now that the whole page was filled with her name written all over it. It dawned to him that it was creepy once he looked at it, and turned beet red when he noticed that not only Scott was looking over his shoulder...

...but also the kid behind him.

"Got a crush on Martin?" he snickered, bumping Stiles' shoulder with an attitude that was somewhat mockery. He couldn't tell.

"Fuck off, Greenberg."

Stiles wretched his shoulder away from his grasp and took one sole glance around the room, only to see if anyone else was snooping on him. When he noticed no ones eyes (except Scott's), he covered his paper and returned the gesture of writing her name.

Lydia. Lydia. Lydia.

He always of her name in threes; the first one was just another thought, then the second one was more of an internal love whisper that echoed inside his conscious, then the third one was laced with anger. He was irate at the fact that he was sucked into this mess—and that he dragged her into this as well. Before this, they were best friends, friends, friends, friends.

God, it had been a week and a half since the curse and he was still freaking out. Partly because he was so undeniably in love with her by fault, and also because time was running out. Time was ticking and he was testing it. Naturally, he felt clingy by wanting to see her everyday because he needed to savor that time spent together. Stiles had been begging her to spend some one on one with him, and reluctantly, she agreed.

His deadline was New Years.
That was in a three days.

"Stiles," hissed Scott, his eyes flickering back and forth between him and the teacher. "Seriously, dude. He's gonna show everyone."

"Okay," hummed Stiles, biting his lip while shading in a heart.

It wasn't until then where the page was immediately ripped from the pale boy's grasp which sent a shock through his body. He whipped his head over to Scott, who had the paper in his hands and glared at him when he began to crumble it up, Scott giving him a knowing look as it quenched under his strong grip.

Not only did it startle Stiles, it woke up the entire class from whatever dimension they were floating in and now their eyes were all on the two boys. Even the teacher stopped, quirking an eyebrow at his two disruptive students and maliciously stalked towards them; he had a ruler in his hands, which was always the case when he was giving a lecture.

"Mr. McCall," seethed the teacher. "Care to show us what is so important from Mr. Stilinski, which unknowingly disrupted my class?" He was now standing in the row between the two boys, glaring at them.

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