Overheard Conversations

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AU; where Lydia has never been to prom, claiming it's dumb and such. after the prom, Lydia, who is a senior, can't hide her disappointment when she realizes that she'll never experience a prom. meanwhile, Allison's older brother who goes to a different school, Stiles, overhears this.



"Ally, you look beautiful."

Lydia admired her best friend in her gown and pretty makeup. Allison wore a long, white dress with diamonds constellated on the heart line-neck line and her waist. It tightened at the waist, then flowed out elegantly. Her hair was in a half up do, the rest of the hair that was down was curled. She looked beautiful, this one toped all the years she went to prom before.

Lydia, on the other hand, was wearing a long black gown with a diamond neckline with her hair in a low bun with strawberry blonde wisps sticking out of it dangerously. Her friend, Jackson, was taking her tonight. In all honestly, Lydia liked Jackson a lot.

Jackson was your stereotypical jock - cocky, hot, athletic, you name it. It was a scene out of a Taylor Swift video, a movie, a book. Lydia loved it, craved it. She was so pumped when Jackson, of all people, asked Lydia to be is date. It was her first year going to prom - and it was an understatement to say that she was nervous, and excited.

Allison beamed. "Babe, you look even better!"

Lydia shook her off and smiled. "Thank you, this is so exciting!" Allison's eyes sparkled and she looked in the mirror one last time.

She breathed out nervously, her breath stopping when she heard the doorbell ring. Scott, her boyfriend and date, was here to pick her up. It was like every dance; what if he didn't like her dress? Her hair? There was so much to worry about in such a small span of time when he sees you for the first time. It was stressful; all the guys had to wear was a tux. The girl's had to worry about the dress color, hair, makeup. What if two girls wore the same dress? So much stress.

"Ready?" Lydia interrupted, escorting her best friend out of her room and leading her to the stairs where Scott stood with Chris. The two were chatting nonchalantly, not seeing the beauty on the top of the wooden staircase. Lydia noticed that Jackson wasn't here yet.

All of a sudden, her phone on her purse started vibrating, so she took it out to see a text from Jackson. In all seriousness, she blushed and opened the message.

Jackson: sry 2 say this but I cant bring you 2nite.

She skimmed over the message once, twice, until she finally understood what he meant. She blinked away her confusion as he sent another message.

also can I swing by allys house 2 pick up ur flower to give 2 malia thx

Lydia breathed out and let out a shaky laugh, turning her phone off and storming back into Allison's room. Her best friend followed in a heartbeat, a questioning look written on her face.

"Lyd, what's wrong?"

Lydia showed her the text, Allison's face dropping as she looked at Lydia with a sad look. Her first year of being asked to prom and she gets ditched. Her heart throbbed for her best friend, trying to think of any other way to cheer her up.

"Lydia I-"

Lydia sighed. "Allison, it's okay...I think I'm just going to, uh, sit this one out."

"Seriously? Just because-"

"It's final." Lydia interrupted, grabbing her phone back and placing it in her purse. "I'll just leave with you guys, but you can just drop me off at my house." Allison opened her mouth to protest. "It's okay. My parents aren't even home so they wont know."

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