The Bet

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in this story, Lydia is suppose to dress weird and dress like a fifth grader in 2008. just letting you guys know that before any comments show up ;)

also, just imagine a bunch of Lydia's outfits from the skits "EW" on the show The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon. she is suppose to dress like a child.


AU; where stiles and his friends make a bet to see if the weird girl could fall in love with him in a span of two months



Lydia huffed, stomping her foot on the ground as the sound of the high heel hitting the floor echoed through the hallway. It was her open period, fourth period, where she shared it with none of her friends...well if she had any friends. She pouted, looking around the hallways to see all the students scurrying to get to their next class. Lydia smiled to herself. She could take her time getting to the library.

Her open was usually meant for getting homework done, but since she was on top of her class, she didn't have any homework. Her teachers let her read ahead and do the assignments for the next week because she gets everything done. So, going in the library to just read was the most amazing bubble of happiness she could burst.

The warning bell above her rang loudly, startling the poor girl as she jumped, and came to her focuses. She then shrugged, smiling and skipping down the hallway, eager to finish reading The Scarlet Letter that she started at yesterday's open. She was merely halfway through it.

Meanwhile, Stiles and his friends grinned as they watched her skip down the hallway, their open being the same time as hers. Stiles turned around to face his friends, Scott, Isaac, and Jackson. He held up a huge grin on his face as he looked to each of his friends.

"Which prank are we doing this week to Ms. Martin?"

Stiles and his buddies were assholes, but hot assholes. Every week, they'd think of a prank to pull on the poor girl who was all about sunshine and rainbows. Last week, Jackson put gum on all the seats she sat in for each class since he had every class with her. Each week, each person had their chance to prank the girl. This week was Scott's turn.

Scott tilted his head with a smirk. "This time, I want to go for something different." He rubbed his hands together.

"What is it?" Isaac asked quietly. Out of all of them, Isaac was the most innocent.

Stiles folded his arms. "Enlighten us, Scotty Boy."

Scott rolled his eyes at the nickname but continued. "I wasn't thinking about a prank...I was thinking of a bet."

"A bet?" The boy said in unison, impressed that Scott could even come up with that. He had the brain of a third grader. Lydia's foot was probably smarter than him.

Scott grinned menacingly. "Oh yes."

The three boys waited for Scott to say his bet, them leaning closer to him and anticipating Scott would say something. Except, he didn't get the memo and just kept grinning at them, not even knowing they were waiting for him to speak. Stiles rolled his eyes at his best friend as Isaac quietly sighed.

"Holy fuck, Scott." Jackson groaned. "Speak!"

"What?" Scott said with a confused face. When he realized what they were talking about, his eyes widened and he started to dumbly smile again. "Oh, right, right. Well, I was thinking that one of us could ask the girl out, and see if she falls in love with one of us in a month."

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