A Slip Up

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au - Dylan accidentally admits he has a crush on Holland in an interview

requested by @EvieStilinski

this is o'broden, by the way. a bit of a change up.


The contour brushes tickled his cheeks and placed a feeling of discomfort in his body, slightly unnerved by the way he was being dolled up for one simple interview. Of course, he knew better than to say anything because the last thing he wanted to do was hurt the makeup artist's feelings, so he decided to sit tight and push through the everlasting torture (which was very dramatic to say the least).

He was on in five with his best friend and co-star Tyler Posey, assuming the actor was all set up and ready to go in the room right next to his. Tyler was more prone to makeup than Dylan was, and was an easy-breezy job to cover. That was something that Dylan envied about his best friend; his ability to roll with the flow and like everything, also his ability to strike up conversations with his makeup artists nonchalantly, whereas Dylan had trouble conversing because he never knew what to say to them. Hey, so you like makeup? Terrible.

It was a simple little interview in the tiny building just on the outskirts of town, somewhere private and hidden and a networking program that didn't get a lot of views, but nonetheless, the interview was still professional, and, to be honest, he didn't care about what big stations talked to him on television or YouTube. Perhaps all Dylan cared about was having fun and making sure the interviewers had the information they wanted to hear. That was the job, right? The whole point was to gain information about the celebrity, and, personally, Dylan liked to spice it up in interviews and throw in some stories and irrelevant words in there just to make it more like a conversation.

A door behind him suddenly opened and he nearly spun out of his chair and startled the makeup artist, turning to face the culprit who scared him. He relaxed when he saw his manager with the same stern, hardworking look she always seemed to give off. "You're on in two minutes." With no more warning, she shut the door and he could hear muffled voices from outside the door, assuming she was on a phone call.

He breathed out. "Alrighty then. JJ, am I pretty enough for the camera?"

His makeup artist, JJ, chuckled and spun his chair to face the lit up mirror to create the best lighting. "You're always ready for the camera," she grinned, patting him on the shoulder gently and proceeding to make her way towards the small door, opening it for her chivalrously.

Dylan stood up and placed a hand to his heart. "Why thank you!"

"Of course, your highness. Now go and spice it up."

"Always do."

Dylan left the room to be faced with Tyler, who grinned at him and placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "You ready?"


With a laugh and several stupid jokes and banter later, the two made their way towards the room where they were supposed to be interviewed, and they found their seats in front of the young man, assumingly the interviewer, who was adjusting his microphone and putting his notecards in the right order that he wanted them. His thickly rimmed glasses bugged out his bright emerald eyes, meshing in nicely with his ebony curly locks that fell over his eyes shamefully. He wore a simple suit, discarding the jacket somewhere in the process and just rocking the white button up.

Dylan sat down and let the crew hook up and adjust his microphone, doing the same to Tyler who was talking about some nonsense that the pale boy wasn't really listening to. A halfhearted effort was placed into listening to his best friend speak, as bad as that sounded, but Tyler was talking so fast and rushed that it was hard to understand a single word he managed to utter out. Dylan was looking in his general direction but mostly glancing down at his outfit, which was way more casual than his. A black Metallica shirt with several blue designs on the front put Dylan's plain maroon long sleeve to shame, making him feel more overdressed despite the casual interview. Damn. When did he care so much?

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