Repeating Days

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Hope you guys like R5;)

This is one of my favorite songs by them; their album SOMETIME LAST NIGHT is really good, I recommend it.

this chapter is a trigger warning and contains A LOT of cursing and offensive words. THIS CHAPTER IS ALSO REAAAALLLY LONG SO SORRY


AU; stiles' life was a big mess, and he hated it. until Lydia came, that is.


Stiles' life sucked.

He was bullied everyday; reminded of how much of a disappointment he was, how much of a loser he was, a fag. Everyday he would hate who he was because he wasn't like his friends, or what people wanted him to be. He didn't reach the expectations of what people wanted him to be. He was shamed upon everyday, and all Stiles wanted to do was stay in his room and never come out. He'd be mentally hurt from everything.

Oh? His bully?

His dad.

No, his dad didn't hit him (not regularly, anyway), but everyday Stiles would come home to, "Why aren't you at lacrosse?" or "Go outside and play some lacrosse. School comes later" or "Jesus Christ, stop carrying that fucking guitar around you fag, you'll hurt your back for lacrosse"

It was the same.

Everyday was repeated. His repeating days were something he couldn't erase. The things his dad said, his friends said, it was all the same.

Today was like any other day; Stiles would ditch lacrosse practice to go into the band room and play with the kids in Jazz Band. He'd get a sheet of music, and play the steady beat on the guitar, or the drums. Either instrument was easy to him. Although, he preferred the guitar. It was easier to carry around. Plus - who didn't like the guitarist? Although Stiles didn't like to admit it, he could actually sing too. He did it during loose band rehearsals when everyone was laughing and playing whatever the hell they wanted. Stiles would do loose covers of artists when his dad wasn't home, or when everyone in the band room left and he was the only one. Deep down, he knew that lacrosse wasn't his future. All the money, the injuries, the fights, it wasn't worth it.

All he wanted to do was play music. Was that too hard to say?

He was walking down the hallway, blowing hot air into his red hands as he just entered from the front door. He kept his guitar in the trunk of his Jeep so his dad wouldn't smash it in his room. Stiles got the guitar from his mom who died when he was ten from a disease that changed her. His mom told him to play it and enjoy it. Since then, he protected his guitar like it was a child.

He walked past some seniors in his grade standing by the lockers just talking, some of the lacrosse players being some of them. Stiles dismissively walked by them, not even batting a single eye in their direction as he made a beeline for the music room, not wanting to draw attention to himself.

Up against the lockers were his friends, Scott McCall, Kira Yukimira, Liam Dunbar, and Isaac Lahey. They were wearing the practice jerseys, waiting until 2:30 until practice actually started. Kira was admiring Scott, twirling a piece of hair while she made love eyes to him. Scott wasn't even looking at her, talking to Isaac about some video game that Liam had no idea about. He was just standing there, looking like a cool sophomore hanging out with seniors.

"Hey Stilinski!"

Stiles almost made it, one foot in the music room and one outside in a whole different environment. He closed his eyes and sighed, the lacrosse players not seeing the gesture. Stiles sucked in a breath as he put up a fake smile and stepped out of the music room and faced the athletes now walking towards him which looked like a pack more than four people.

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