Gaining Color

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im pulling at LEAST 7000 words in this chapter. is that too much? not enough? lemme know!!

this chapter is gon be good


AU; where everything is black and white until Lydia formally meets her soul mate


im so excited for this chapter you don't even understand. but pls don't kill me thanks love you enjoy this chapter and excuse my shit writing skills.


"Ally, I'm eighteen and I'm still seeing black and white."

Allison Argent; tall, pale, beautiful, smart, athletic. Everything you'd want in a girl would basically be Allison Argent. She was stunning, Snow White, huntress. Every guy was practically on their knees for her, kissing the ground just so she'd say their name. She had this smile that could cure sickness and make the earth a better place. She'd light up your day by just her smiling at you.

Allison Argent had gained her color two years ago when she met Scott McCall; her soul mate. He was a tall lad with tanned skin and an uneven jaw that made him the way he was. He was athletic, funny, adorable, every single positive adjective you could think of; it was Scott McCall. He had this amazing smile that lead to creases that would appear on his cheeks, and his eyes would squint and would be filled with happiness.

Allison was Lydia's best friend, and when Allison told Lydia she gained her colors, it was an understatement to say that Lydia was jealous. Lydia had boyfriends all throughout high school, but stopped in Senior year when none of them made her gain her colors. She was miserable, showing excitement for her friend when she gained it. She'd met Scott that day formally, Scott and her talking with Allison for a while.

Lemme tell you this. What it means to 'gain your colors' is a big deal. It usually happens in the teenage stages, sometimes it never happens, sometimes it happens at a kid. It's most common during high school, or college. People who haven't gained their colors see the world in black and white, and always have since they were born. Since they see the world in black and white, it can change under one condition. If you meet your soul mate, you gain your colors. You see the world as it was made, and scientifically makes you happier. When one soul mate in the pair dies, the other person loses their color, their world going back to black and white. It was a tragedy, really. You could be out doing errands and all of a sudden your world goes back to the way it was. It was really a scary process.

Girls had it different then guys; girls had to meet their soul mate to gain their color. They had to formally meet and both exchange names when they gained their colors. It was much less scarier than guys. For guys, you and your soul mate had to lock eyes for more than five seconds to gain your color. Each second, your color would come back slowly, like fading as Scott called it. It was scarier for guys because it could happen to anyone at any time.

"Lydia, you'll gain it soon, I promise."

Lydia had sighed sadly, twirling a piece of hair on her finger as she laid down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. It was an understatement to say she was distressed. She was upset, sad. She wanted to gain her colors and see what Allison saw. Allison had said that Lydia had strawberry blonde hair; whatever the hell that was. Allison also told her she had emerald eyes, whatever emerald was. Lydia was jealous; wanting to desperately see colors. She dreamed about it for her whole life.

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