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"Thank you girls So Much for This, I needed this" Brandy said Sipping her wine

"You're Welcome" Jaz Said

The girls had surprised her with a spa night at her house, since she wasn't able to get out the house just yet, they decided to bring the spa to her.

"Soo whats going on with you and bry bry" Jaz said smiling at Brandy

She knew her brother was on some bullshit and she didn't like the way he was treating her.

"Nothing Girl, we are just real good friends"

"Friends my ass" Bam added

"No really we are, he's the male best friend I never had, he tells me his problems, and I tell him mine. We give each other advice and all that sweet stuff" she smiled

"Hmmm anyways I brought BROWNIES! " Bam said excitedly holding up the zip lock bag filled with brownies

"No Bam...No!" Brandy yelled while laughing

"So I slaved in the kitchen baking these for you all and ya'll don't want to eat them" she pouted

"Bam last time we ate YOUR brownies, we were all giggly and high as hell" jaz said

"Te You want a brownie" Bam asked

"Yea...Sure" she said not paying any attention

"Oh Goodness" jaz said

"She been smiling in her phone since she been here" Brandy whispered to jaz

"Right...Nae Who Got You Smiling Ma'am?" Jaz questioned Tete

She looked up from her phone, biting into her brownie "No one" she smiled

"Girl stop lying let me see" Bam snatched her phone

"If you don't give me my got Da-"

"Ooo ya'll Tete done got her a nunu..."

"ooo Who girl who?" they gathered around tete

"Bam give me the phone" she reached out for it

"Is you gone tell us who it is?"

"Fine, I'm texting my ex Dj we been chilling these past couple of days and I been really enjoying it, it makes me think of the old times we shared together. He's been trying to take it to the next level and I constantly tell him that I can't because I'm still married to trey but he's like leave him "

"Fuck Trey!" Bam Yelled

"Bam Stop Sis I know you're hurting and of course you still love trey, what he did was absolutely wrong, but I think you both need to sit down and have a mature conversation about this"

"I think it's the trust situation between you two, you did what you and he did what he did, ya'll really needed to talk" brandy added

"Fuck Trey Again!" Bam added

"Somebody get her" jaz laughed

"But thanks ya'll for the advice"

"No problem Te" brandy said

"well I decided I wasn't even gonna stress over August and his B.S anymore, I mean he don't know what he really want, so I'll let him and staci have it" jaz implied

"Urgh ! FUCK ALL THESE NICCAS! " Bam said sipping on her wine

"Bam Hush" Tete laughed

"Look Jaz honestly you pushed August away, now I know you don't want to hear it, but you, you pushed him In the arms of staci but I do hope ya'll can get it together especially before my neice or nephew get here" tete said

Lions,Tigers & Bears!|Jazmine Sullivan|Where stories live. Discover now