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Update !


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT ADMITTED HERE ANYMORE!?" Jazmine Yelled to the receptionionist
"Ma'am let me get the nurse or doctor to give you further information" the nurse said nervously. Jazmine paced the floor as she try to comprehend what was going on. She thought clearly this had to be some type of misunderstanding. How did August go from being into a coma a few days ago to not being admitted in the hospital anymore.

Even though she missed a few days of visiting him she made sure she stayed up to date with his well being,so she thought. But she notice when she tried to get an update on him yesterday they wouldn't tell her anything, they even went as far as to say he couldn't have any visitors. Not comprehending what was going on she made sure that today she would come to the hospital and get some answers from somebody. "Hey Ma'am I'm Doctor Ashad, How May I Hel-" getting cut off by Jaz. "YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT THE HELL SHE" she pointed to the receptionist "IS TALKING ABOUT" the doctor look a taken by her tone.

"Oh yes,Mr.Alsina Has been released this morning, he woke out of the coma a few days ago ma'am, after running test on him everything came out great and he was released this morning" still not understanding " so you mean to tell me he's not here?" She questioned " umm no ma'am he had an lady pick him up" It was so much the doctor could tell her. He knew who jaz was because she had been there by his side every since he been there. "Thank you" she said walking out the hospital.

Jazmine sat in her car for a few minutes trying to process what just happen. She questioned her self wondering why didn't he called her. What lady picked him up. I knew it couldn't be Tete because i dropped the baby off to her this morning before heading to class. Calling his phone hoping he would answer, just when she was about to hang up he answered." Hello" "August Baby,Where are you" "I'm good Jaz,what's up?" He said all calm like. "August i'm so happy your woke baby i was worries sick about you, i love you so much august" the line got quiet "august baby,where are you so i can come get you" "i'm good" was all he said before the phone hung up.

Jaz stared at the phone dumb founded trying to figure out what the hell just happened and why is he acting this way towards her. She turned the ignition of the car and headed to her sister house to tell her what just happened.

Meanwhile with August

"Aug So Your saying you believe Jaz was still messing with the guy who shot you" "Yep" He said laying back on the bed. "You got to be kidding me man, ya'll been best friends forever and finally admitted your love for one another,have a beautiful baby girl together and she been by your side through everything and you mean to tell me you think she's been dealing with this dude since ya'll been together" "man look I'm saying all of a sudden this nigga pops back up, texting her phone and now he showing his face to family events...fuck outta here man" he said getting angry "Well if you feel this way you could've talked it out, instead of leaving like that"

August woke from the coma a few days after being in it for 2 weeks. He asked the nurses and doctors not to inform anyone yet. He Had to go through physical therapy while he remained in the hospital. During the few times he went to physical therapy he ran into his old friend chassidy, who's a physical therapy and since then they been catching up for old times sake, she been checking on him and. helping him out with his therapy.

August seem to have been enjoying her company because he have not once thought about his family back home and how Jaz would feel with him entertaining another female thats not her,let alone once of his old friends whom he had relations with once upon a time.

August wasn't thinking clearly about the situation. In his mind all he could think of is that jaz has been cheating around on him with Jordan all this time.

Him being his stubborn ol self not calling Jaz to inform her of his well beings, he decided to let chassidy continue to nurse him. When the doctor told him he could be release from the hospital, he asked chassidy to pick him up and take him to his old house instead going home to his worried family. All because of his assumptions that Jaz is cheating with Jordan.

"Well i'm going home to my FAMILY" she said looking at him hoping he get the hint. Instead august closed his eyes and laid back further in the recliner, blowing smoke in the air.

August was being selfish not thinking about his family at home, the people who was there when he was laid in that hospital bed fighting for his life, the people for been there for him since the beginning. His mind was fixed on the fact that he thought Jaz had been cheating and its her fault he got shot.

"Damn Sis, i feel like this is my fault" tete said sitting in living room with Jaz. She looked at her sister shaking her head "no don't think that, you didn't make him pull the trigger" Jaz responded" "i know but i invited the fuckboy, i swear i didn't know things was gone get out of hand like that, and my bro life was on the line because of that coward,ima fuck him up myself" Jaz chuckled a little "No he will get his,trust me but i do need to talk to him and let him know what it really is" " well when you do i will be right there with you" "i know" she smiled

"Baby Im home!" Chas shouted walking into her house "We're in the kitchen" she walked into the kitchen to see her fiancé trying to feed their baby girl kenndi, every time he would put the spoon to her mouth she would grab it "Isnt this a precious moment" she went over kissing them both. "Naw she done spit all over me bruh" he said frowning. "Really Jordan" she said picking the baby up "say daddy it's just applesauce" she cooed at their 5 month old baby.

"So babe guess what?" "What up?" He said trying to wipe the sauce off his hand "i ran into my old friend A couple of weeks ago, and him and his girlfriend been friends forever, she's such a sweet girl and now all of a sudden some guy friend of hers pop back up and he swear she's cheating" "Damn" Jordan said "so who's this cat?"  "His name August but you don't know him babe ........ 😳
Sorry If This Chapter is boring but it's really giving you a insight of whats to come. Do Ya'll Want to predict whats to happen? 😬

Jordan, Chassidy and Kenndi In The MM

I did not edit,excuse any mistakes 🙂


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