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It was the grand opening of "Legends" Chris,Trey and August Club and Bar. It was a bar during the day then a club by night.

Everyone was lounging around, conversing, or either on the dance floor, overall just enjoying the new spot.

Getting everyone attention towards the stage "Ladies and Gentlemen may we have your attention" Rih said in the microphone. Everybody got quiet "Thank You" she said "A round of applause for the owners of this nice place Christopher,Tremaine and August" . Everyone cheered as they made their way up to the stage. 
Chris taking the mic first "Im Gonna make this sweet and short" he laughed "I just want to say thank you god, my father,my lovely mother whose resting peacefully " he looked up to the ceiling "My beautiful Sisters, My Fiancé and Son, My Brothers Trey and August, man we came along way, but what Would I be without y'all..I just want to say Thank yall man and I Love Yall..Welcome to Pressure Everyone" they all clapped and cheered as he stepped back passing the microphone to trey.

Clearing his throat, " I just want to say Thank you to every person who been in my life that believe in me and pushed me to go hard" he said looking at tete "Make sure you all enjoy yourself tonight" he pass the mic to August.

"Man, around of applause for my brothers back here man" he pointed to Trey and Chris "Ive know Them for ever man, they seen me at my worst and best I'm glad to be able to share this experience with yall man, i hope we can build many more businesses together ya heard me" he laughed along with everyone else "To my family man i love yall"he pointed to everyone at the top level and To someone whose been rocking with me since I was in diapers..Jaz can you come to the stage please" she looked at him like nicca I know you didn't. She slowly made her way to the stage,hiding behind him shy of all the people looking at her.

"Baby your my rock, without you I wouldn't be half the person I am today, through it all you stood by me, I appreciate you for that. Your my lover, my friend, my everything and I want to spend the rest of my life waking up to you, what im saying is " he got on one knee "Will You Marry Me?" The crowd went wild "Yes Baby! Yes!" She hugged him with tears in her eyes. Flashes from cameras went off and soft music played in the background as they hugged and kiss on one another.

Everyone grab a glass of champagne from the waitresses as they walked around and toasted it up for the newly engaged couple.

"Lets go congratulate them baby" Chas said Jordan. He looked at her with a smirk "Lets" he said walking behind her.

They made there way over to the couple "Congratulations Bestfriend!" Chas hugged August. Jazmine stepped back eyeing Chas who was on her man and just called him best friend not before she looked at Jordan with a mugged on her face "Bitch!" She charged at Jordan but was pulled back by august "chill baby" he said smiling "whats up Jordan?" "Congrats my nicca" "Thanks" august replied turning to walk away but stop grabbing the security guards gun off his side he turn around and shots was fire.

All you heard was tables been knock over and people screaming.

"Baby Get up!!" Chas cried holding Jordan who was now laid on the floor bleeding. Jaz was stuck in one spot she didn't know what to do, it happened so fast "lets go!" august said grabbing her hand pulling her out the door. "Call 911!!" Chas shouted.

"Omg! August why!?! Why did you do that" Jazmine cried "You thought I was gone let him get away with shooting me, then he show up at my place of business like its cool...Fuck no!" He said angry taking off his clothes, finding new ones.

Jazmine sat at the end of the bed with her head in her hands "There could've been a better way to handle this" she said "Man look I aint tryna here that alright, grab some clothes we got to go" he said stuffing clothes in a duffle bag "where we going august?!" "Just grab some clothes" he told her. She didn't question him again she simply hurried and grab some clothes.

Grabbing the keys to head out the door, her phone ring "Jazmine Ya'll get out of there now!" Her father yelled into the phone "They questioned us at the club but we didn't give them anything but Someone told" "we're leaving now dad-" "Put Your hands behind your head, August Alsina you are under arrest for the shooting of Jordan Milbrook


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